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Seminar in Digital Applications for Cultural Heritage

Seminari tenuti da Stephan Hassam, University of South Florida

Referente Scientifico: Prof. Filippo Stanco

Ore complessive: 24h

Lingua: Italiano e Inglese

This seminar will provide a brief outline of both practical and theoretical elements of applications of digital, especially 3D, technologies to cultural heritage. Each module is designed to provide particular and interrelated knowledge of technologies. Case studies, whenever possible, will focus on the Sicilian and Italian context. Students will also engage in practical sessions with technologies (dependent on availability), in order to give them the confidence to pursue further competency in the technologies discussed.



Lesson 1, 11/04/2023: Introduction: Definitions (3h), aula 145 "Anile"                                  

Introductions to seminar, expectations, goals, definitions of technologies to be discussed.


Lesson 2, 12/04/2023: Case Studies: Digital Applications in the study of antiquity (3h), aula 41                                  

Case studies of digital cultural heritage applications in Sicily, focus on digital archaeology.


Lesson 3, 26/04/2023: Digital Data: Standards, Accessibility, and Transparency (3h), aula 145 "Anile"        

Discussion of standards, accessibility to data, transparency, the importance of metadata, paradata, and principles that should govern the use of digital data in cultural heritage.


Lesson 4, 03/05/2023: Digital Storytelling, Authenticity, Virtuality, and the uses of digital data (3h), aula 145 "Anile"     

Discussion of the uses of digital data, questions of authenticity, education, digital storytelling, videogames and cultural heritage. Guest lecture on digital storytelling and


Lesson 5, 10/05/2023: Methods: Photogrammetry (3h), aula 145 "Anile"                                    

Focus on the use of photogrammetry for a wide variety of digital applications, object, site, and landscape capture. In depth case study. Guest lecture on data capture and processing.


Lesson 6, 16/05/2023: Methods: Site and Landscape Analysis via Terrestrial Laser Scanning (3h), aula 145 "Anile"     

Focus on the use of terrestrial laser scanning for digital applications at the site level, guest lecture. In depth case study. Guest lecture on data capture and processing.


Lesson 7, 23/05/2023: Methods: Object capture and 3D printing for Museum Applications (3h), aula 145 "Anile"   

Focus on the use of structured light scanning for digital applications at the object level. In depth case studies. Practicum, availability of technology permitting.


Lesson 8, 26/05/2023: Conclusion: Open Issues in Digital Applications for Cultural Heritage (3h), aula 145 "Anile"  

Discussion of open issues in digital application in cultural heritage. Presentations of projects.


Final Exam (2h)