Complementary Mathematics
The members of the research group are Daniela Ferrarello, Maria Flavia Mammana, ed Eugenia Taranto. The main research teams are Foundations of Mathematics, in particular Geometry and Didactics of Mathematics. The main investigation themes are:
- Euclidean Geometry from the point of view of geometric transformations (Ferrarello, Mammana, Taranto);
- Teaching and learning of geometry using technologies (Ferrarello, Mammana, Taranto);
- Introduction to Giochi Seri in teaching and learning of mathematics (Ferrarello, Mammana, Taranto);
- Cultural and social role of mathematics (Ferrarello);
- Role of body and motion in teaching and learning of mathematics (Ferrarello, Mammana);
- MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) (Taranto);
- methodologies and material for e-learning and teaching; continuous formation of school teachers using technologies (Taranto).