The National and International projects in which the Principal Investigator is in our Department are:
- FESR SICILIA 08CT2620000125, Smart Cities e Communities, budget 1.303.302,80 (prof. Sebastiano Battiato)
- FESR SICILIA 086202000473, Agrimet, budget 418.370 (prof. Corrado Santoro)
- PRIN 2020355B8Y_002 Squarefree Grobner degenerations, special varieties and related topics, budget .... (prof. Giovanni Russo)
- PRIN 2020TL3X8X_002 Typefull language adaption for dynamic interacting and evolving systems, budget ... (prof. Fabrizio Messina)
- PRIN 2017 Metodi numerici innovativi per equazioni differenziali alle derivate parziali evolutive e applicazioni, budget 438.000 Euro (prof. Giovanni Russo)
- PRIN 2017 Geometria delle varietà algebriche, budget 15.000 Euro (PI prof. Francesco Russo)