The main research groups working within DMI are the following:
- evolutionary algorithms;
- qualitative analysis and stability in thermo-mechanics and bio-mathematics;
- data mining, clustering and pattern discovery in bio-informatics;
- variational inequalities and partial differential equations;
- functional analysis;
- Traffic Equilibrium Problem in the Continuum case, Time-dependent supernetworks and variational formulations;
- Lie groups, symmetries and techniques of reduction for partial differential equations;
- finite geometry, combinatorics, designs theory and graphs and hypergraphs;
- scientific computing;
- methods for teaching mathematics;
- computational methods in bio-mathematics;
- mathematical models for charge transport in semiconductors;
- mathematics problems in kinetic theories;
- multimedia data processing and analysis;
- theoretical computer science and design methods and criptology;
- algebraic manifolds;
- solid mechanics;
- distributed systems and security;
- general topology;
- theory of degenerated elliptic equations;
- theory of minimax.