Associate Professor of Mathematics education and history of mathematics [MATH-01/B]

Daniela Ferrarello is associate professor in the 01 / A1 Mathematical Logic and Complementary Mathematics - scientific sector Mat 04 Complementary Mathematics.

At DMI she currently teaches "Mathematics Education 2" in the Master's Degree in Mathematics.

She is responsible for the "Vietato non toccare" (“Do not touch”) project, funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research with the Italian Teacher Prize.

She is tutor for the Polo della Didattica - Accademia dei Lincei, Mathematics section, in Catania.

She carries out research activities in the field of Mathematics Education and Fundamentals of Geometry.

She is an AIRDM member.

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

Main themes in the research activity of Daniela Ferrarello are

  • problems in teaching/learning Mathematics with technologies;
  • Euclidean Geometry with the use of geometric transformations;
  • Introduction of Serious Games in teaching/learning of Mathematics;
  • Cultural and social function of Mathematics;
  • Role of body and movement in teaching/learning of Mathematics from primary school to high-school.


Her double role of researcher and teacher make her research activity be inspired by real problems in school, and her school activity be enriched by innovative methodologies.


Together with colleagues of Computer Science Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, within the SGM project (Serious Games for Math), studies have been started on the creation and experimentation of "serious games" for learning mathematical concepts, and within the TEMA project studies related to learning arithmetic concepts with the use of Maya mathematics are carried on.


  • Design and coordination of “Polo della Didattica – Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei” for the project “I Lincei per una nuova didattica nella scuola”, section of Catania-Messina:
    • A.A. 2013/2014: Tutor for modules “Aritmetica modulare” and “Euclide al computer”
    • A.A. 2014/2015: Tutor for module “Trasformazioni geometriche”
    • A.A. 2015/2016: Tutor of the course “Il laboratorio in laboratorio”
    • A.A. 2017/2018: Coordinator of the course “Insegnamento/apprendimento della matematica in laboratorio con Geogebra”
    • A.A. 2018/2019: Responsable of the course “Laboratorio di matematica con tecnologie: Corso base di Geogebra” together with Professor Maria Flavia Mammana;


Tutor and teacher of “Piano Nazionale Lauree Scientifiche” project at University of Catania

  • A.A. 2010/2011: tutor for the project “Baricentri di poligoni e poliedri”, math lab for excellent high-school students
  • A.A. 2011/2012: tutor for the project “Euclide al Computer”, math lab for high-school teachers and students
  • A.A. 2012/2013: tutor for the project “Luoghi geometrici”, math lab for high-school teachers and students.
  • A.A. 2013/2014: tutor for the project “Analogie tra quadrilateri e tetraedri”, math lab for high-school teachers and students.
  • A.A. 2014/2015: tutor for the project “Magie dei baricentri”, math lab for high-school teachers and students.
  • A.A. 2015/2016: teacher of the lab “Giochi, tecnologia, applicazioni nel mondo dei grafi” math lab for high-school students.
  • From 2016 to 2019 Member of scientific and organizing commettee of the national congress “GIMat - Giornate di studio dell'Insegnante di Matematica”.


  • Courses for in-service teachers as an expert, in schools, from primary to high-school:
  • A.S. 2007/2008: Teacher of “Aritmetica Modulare e Crittografia” and “Teoria dei grafi” at  “Gen. Cascino” high-school, Piazza Armerina (EN);
  • A.S. 2009/2010: teacher of “La logica e l’insegnamento della geometria” at “Guglielmo Marconi” high-school, Catania;
  • A.S. 2013/2014:

- teachers of a course on mathematics’ education with the use of technology at “Luigi Sturzo” middle school, Biancavilla (CT);

- teacher of the course “METMAT_DOC”, module on History of mathematics, at “Pietro Farinato” high-school, Enna;

  • A.S.  2015/2016: teacher of the course “Giocare con i grafi” for primary and middle school teachers, at I.C. “G.A. Costanzo” school of Siracusa.
  • Courses for students as an expert, in primary, middlle and high-schools:
  • A.S. 2007/2008: teacher for the P.O.N. european projects “Matstud1” and “Matstud2” training students of liceo Scientifico “Pietro Farinato”, Enna for math race games;
  • A.S. 2008/2009: teacher for the P.O.N. european project “Olimat 08_09” training students of liceo Scientifico “Pietro Farinato”, Enna for math race games;
  • A.S. 2010/2011: teacher for the P.O.N. european project “Olimat_10/11” training students of liceo Scientifico “Pietro Farinato”, Enna for math race games;


  • A.S. 2012/2013:

- teacher of “Scoprire la Matematica con i Grafi” for primary students, at “Mario Rapisardi” primary school, Catania;

- teacher of Arithmetics, Probability and Logic, training students of liceo Scientifico “Pietro Farinato”, Enna for math race games;

  • A.S. 2013/2014:

- teacher on math machines and training for high-school students, aiming to study sciences at university, for the course “Orientarsi per scegliere 1”, at liceo Scientifico “Alessandro Volta” of Caltanissetta;

- teacher of the course “Matematica … mente” for children at “Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa” primary school, San Giovanni la Punta (CT);

- teacher of the course “RCC_MAT”, project for recovery mathematical competencies, trough new methodologies, at Liceo Scientifico “Pietro Farinato”, Enna.