Invito Conferenza prof Gomes

                  Gentili Colleghi, Cari Studenti,

il giorno 23 maggio alle ore 16:00 in Aula G avremo l'onore ed il piacere di potere assistere ad una conferenza del professore Diogo Gomes (KAUST) che sarà mio ospite per tutta la settimana.

Il titolo della conferenza è: Functional Analytic Insights into Mean Field Game Theory

della quale segue un breve riassunto:

Monotonicity conditions are crucial in Mean Field Game (MFG) theory, highlighted by Lasry and Lions' uniqueness results. This talk introduces a functional analytic framework to understand MFGs that satisfy monotonicity conditions. By leveraging ideas introduced in Hessian-Riemannian flows from optimization, we propose regularized versions of MFGs and construct contracting flows that can be used for numerical approximation. Our findings present a consolidated view of our prior works and give a different perspective on this class of problems. Finally, we also address the question of uniqueness of solutions for weak solutions.

Giuseppe Di Fazio

Data di pubblicazione: 12/05/2024