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Lucia Maria MARINO

Professoressa associata di Geometria [MAT/03]

Lucia Marino è Professore Associato di Geometria presso il Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica dell'Università di Catania.

Insegna attualmente Algebra Lineare e Geometria nei corsi di laurea triennali in Ingegneria Civile Ambientale e Gestionale, e nel corso di laurea in Informatica. 

Il suo settore di ricerca è Geometria Combinatoria con un particolare interesse sulla teoria dei Disegni e teoria dei grafi.

Altra sua area di ricerca è Geometria Algebrica. In particolare schemi zero dimensionali sulla quadrica, funzioni di Hilbert e risoluzioni libere minimali.

E' attualmente in commissione per il corso di Geometria Combinatoria presso il corso di laurea di Matematica.


Lucia Marino

Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica Università degli studi di Catania Cittadella universitaria

Viale Andrea Doria n°6, 95125 Catania

Phone: (+39) 095 7383006 Fax: (+39) 095 330094


University of Catania, Italy

- Ph. D. in Mathematics awarded in June 2002.

Thesis Title: On conductor degrees for 0-dimensional schemes. Supervisor: A. Ragusa

- M.Sc. in Mathematics, University of Catania, Italy, 1996
 Thesis Title: Limitazioni s
ui numeri di Betti graduati

Supervisor: A. Ragusa

Area of Research

My predominant area of research is Combinatorics with a primary emphasis on Combinatorial Design Theory and Graph Theory.

Another research field is algebraic geometry. In particular zero-dimensional schemes in P1 × P1, Hilbert functions, and minimal free resolutions.

Current position

From January 2022 Associate Professor in Geometry at the Mathematic and Computer Science Department of the University of Catania.

Teaching Experience

– Teaching Assistant Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences. Course: Combinatorial Geometry

– Assist. Prof.: Department of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (DIEEI) - and Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (DICAR University of Catania- Italy (October 2007 – present)

Course: Linear Algebra and Geometry for Engineers.

– Teaching assistant at Faculty of Engineering, University of Catania. (November 2006 - October 2007)

Course: Linear Algebra and Geometry for Engineers.

– Instructor at Faculty of Engineering, University of Catania (November 2001-October 2004)

Past position

– Postdoctoral research fellow for two years, Faculty of engineering of Catania, Italy (2005- 2007)

– Visitor at the University of Berkely, California (USA) for six months. (2005)

– Fellowship, Department of Mathematics in Tucson, University of Arizona (USA) for six

months with support of the University of Catania. (2003)

– Postdoctoral research fellow for two years, supported by Department of Mathematics in Catania (2002-2004)

Research Projects

– Member of “Progetto GNSAGA - INDAM : Numeri di Betti di Algebre graduate.” - Coord. Prof. A. Ragusa. Sedi: Catania - Messina- Reggio Calabria.

– PRIN 2003 Member of the Research Project"Algebra commutativa e computazionale" - Coord. scient. Valla G., Resp. scient.: Strano R. Univ. di CATANIA.

– PRIN 2005 Member of the Research Project-"Algebra commutativa, combinatoria e computazionale" - Coord. scient. Valla G., Resp. scient. Strano R. Univ. di CATANIA.

– PRIN 2007 Member of the Research Project "Algebra Commutativa e Combinatorica con applicazioni alla Geometria Algebrica" - Coord. scient. Valla G., Resp. scient. Ragusa A. Univ. di CATANIA.

– PRA 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,2011 Member of PROGETTO DI RICERCA FINANZIABILE CON FONDI DI ATENEO, Resp. Scient.: Ragusa A. Title of the project: Metodi algebrici, omologici e computazionali nello studio delle varietà algebriche.

– PRIN 2011 Member of the Research Project "Geometria delle Varietà algebriche" - Coord. scient. A. Verra., Resp. scient. F. Russo Univ. di CATANIA

– Anno 2012 - Ripartizione risorse destinate al finanziamento dei ricercatori

– FIR 2014 Member of the Research Project “Block designs and Graph designs- their Applications" - Principal Investigator Gionfriddo Mario dell' Università di Catania

– 2016- 18 Member of the Reaserch Project “New Trends in Geometry, Topology and Combinatorics” Resp. scient. E. Guardo, Univ. of Catania.

– 2018 FABR: admitted to financing by ANVUR, email:

Refereeing, Review and Editoial Board

– Member of Editorial Board for Advances in Pure Mathematics since 2017, ISSN Print: 2160- 0368, ISSN Online: 2160-0384

– Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews (AMS published in MathSciNet. Since 2004).

– Referee for international journals.

Research Publications

–  "Edge balanced star‐hypergraph designs and vertex colorings of path designs " in collaboration with Paola Bonacini, J Combin Des. (2022);1–18. 

–  “On Voloshin colorings in 3-hypergraph designs”,  in collaboration with Paola Bonacini, Discrete Mathematics, Volume 343, Issue 10, October 2020, 112030, pubblicato online il 20 giugno 2020, https://

–  “Edge balanced 3-uniform hypergraph designs”,  in collaboration with Paola Bonacini and Mario Gionfriddo , Mathematics 2020, 8, 1353 .

–  “Blocking sets for cycles and paths designs”,  in collaboration with Paola Bonacini, Appl. Anal. Discrete Math, 14 (2020), 183–197.

–  “Perfect blocking sets in P3-designs”,  in collaboration with Paola Bonacini and Mario Gionfriddo, The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics, 1 (2018), #P2.08, pubblicato online il 25 Luglio 2019. 

The spectrum of balanced P^3(1,5)-designs”, in collaboration with Paola Bonacini, Maria Di Giovanni, Mario Gionfriddo, and Antoinette Tripodi, Contributions to Discrete Mathematics, 12 (1), 2017, 133-142.

Equitable block colorings for 8-cycle systems, in collaboration with Paola Bonacini, The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 69 (2017), no. 2, 184–196

Nestings House-designs, in collaboration with Paola Bonacini and Mario Gionfriddo Discrete Mathematics, 339 (2016), n° 4, 1291-1299

Construction of non-cyclic balanced P(3)(1,5)-designs, in collaboration with Paola Bonacini and Mario Gionfriddo, Applied Mathematical Sciences, 9 (2015), no.126, 6273-6282

Balanced House-systems and Nestings, in collaboration with Paola Bonacini and Mario Gionfriddo, Ars Combinatoria, 121 (2015), 429-436.

Equitable tricolourings for 4-cycle systems, in collaboration with Paola Bonacini, Applied Mathematical Sciences, 9(2015), no.58, 2881-2887.

Dodecagon Quadrangle Systems having the most large spectrum, in collaboration with Mario Gionfriddo, Applied Mathematical Sciences, 10 (2016), no. 31, 1501-1508.

On the lower and upper chromatic index of C6-systems, in collaboration with Paola Bonacini and Mario Gionfriddo, preprint.

Nonagon quadruple systems: existence, balance, embeddings, in collaboration with Paola Bonacini and Mario Gionfriddo, The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 66 (2016), no. 3, 393-406.

On the spectrum of Octagon Quadrangle Systems of any index, in collaboration with Paola Bonacini, Contributions to Discrete Mathematics, 12 (1), 2017, 74-82.

Equitable block colourings, in collaboration with Paola Bonacini, Ars Combinatoria, 120 (2015), 255-258.

Minimal free resolutions and Hilbert functions in P1x P1, in collaboration with Paola Bonacini, Algebra Colloquium 22 (2015), no.1, 97-108.

Homogeneous edge-coloring of graphs , in collaboration with Paola Bonacini and Maria Grazia Cinquegrani to appear in Utilitas Mathematic

Hilbert functions and set of points in P1x P1 , in collaboration with Paola Bonacini, Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie , 56 (2015), no.1, 43-61.

On the Hilbert function of zero-dimensional schemes in P1x P1 , in collaboration with Paola Bonacini, Collect. Math. 62 (2011), no.1, 57–67

Separators of fat points in Pn , E. Guardo, L. Marino, A. Van Tuyl, Journal of Algebra, 324, (2010), 1492-1512.

A characterization of ACM 0-dimensional schemes in Q, Le Matematiche Vol. 64 (2009), no. 2, 41–56.

Some results on special binomial ideals, Le Matematiche Vol. 61 (2006), pp. 85—107.

The minimum degree of a surface that passes through all the points of a 0-dimensional

scheme but a point P, Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 376,(2005), pp. 315-331.

Conductor and separating degrees for sets of points in Pr and in P1x P1, Bollettino Unione

Matematica Italiana (8) 9- B(2006) pp. 397-421.

On 0-dimensional schemes with all permissible conductor degrees, Rendiconti del circolo matematico di Palermo, Serie II, Tomo LII (2003), pp.263-280.

Conductor Degree and Socle Degree, in collaboration with Silvia Abrescia and Laura Bazzotti, Le Matematiche Vol.LVI (2001)- Fasc. I, pp.129-148.


P. Bonacini, M.G. Cinquegrani, L. Marino, Algebra Lineare: Esercizi svolti, Ed. Cavallotto, Catania 2012.

P. Bonacini, M.G. Cinquegrani, L. Marino, Geometria Analitica: Esercizi svolti, Ed. Cavallotto, Catania 2012.

Talks and posters

Presentation: “On blocking sets in Steiner systems and G-designs”, Istanbul, 4th Istanbul Design Theory Workshop, September 3- 4, 2018.

Presentation: “Perfect Blocking Sets in $P_{3}$-designs”, Combinatorics 2018, Arco (Trento) June 3- June 9, 2018.

Presentation: “Nonagon Quadruple Systems: existence, balance, embeddings”, Combinatorics 2016, Maratea (Potenza) May 29- June 4, 2016.

Presentation of Poster n.1 with Paola Bonacini entitled “Minimal free resolutions of 0-dimensional schemes in P1XP1” at “GAEL XX1”, held at Stockholm University June 24-28, 2013.

Presentation of Poster n.2 with Paola Bonacini entitled “Hilbert functions of 0-dimensional schemes in P1XP1” at “GAEL XX1”, held at Stockholm University June 24-28, 2013.


Presentation “Zero-dimensional schemes with some properties in common with ACM scheme in P1xP1”, at the “Seminario congiunto Catania- Messina – Palermo (CA.ME.PA.) ” of Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, held in University of Messina, December 1, 2011.

Presentation of a joint poster with Paola Bonacini entitled “0-dimensional schemes in P1xP1: Hilbert functions and minimal free resolutions” at “A celebration of Algebraic Geometry”, a conference in honour of Joe Harris’ 60th birthday, held at Harvard University, Boston (USA) August 25-28, 2011.

"On 0-dimensional schemes with all permissible conductor degrees” - Conference on Commutative Algebra with applications in Geometry and Combinatorics. – Piraino (Messina) September 2003

"Conductor degrees in P^r"- XV Coloquio Latinoamericano di Algebra- July 2003 Cocoyoc Mexico

Conferences, meetings, and schools of research attended

Geometrical and Combinatorial Aspects of Commutative Algebra, September 16-19, 2009, Villafranca Tirrena, Messina

Geometry of projective varieties,

University of Roma La Sapienza, September 2008

Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, Meeting, University of Catania. 2007

Meeting, Commutative Algebra, and Algebraic Geometry, Math Depart of University of Berkeley, California, USA, March 2005.

Seminars on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry

at the Math Depart of Arizona State University, Tempee, Arizona USA, 2004

Conferences on Commutative Algebra with applications in Geometry and combinatorics Piraino(Messina) September 22-25, 2003

XV Coloquio Latinoamericano di Algebra. Cocoyoc-Mexico July 20-26, 2003

Workshop of algebraic geometry, Politecnico di Torino, September 2002

Conference on zero-dimensional schemes and related topics (in honor of Tony Geramita on occasion on his 60th birthday) La Perla Ionica (Acireale) Catania June 6-8, 2002

Workshop on “Application of Commutative Algebra”, Catania April 3-6, 2002

Conference on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry (in honor of the 60th birthday of Silvio Greco) Catania April 11-13, 2001

Workshop of algebraic geometry, Politecnico di Torino, September 2002

Grostat IV- Workshop on Grobner bases and statistics, Menton September 5-5, 2000, France Pragmatic 2000. Summer school, Catania June 7-23, 2000

Giornate di geometria algebrica, Gargnano, May 2000

Workshop on Zero-dimensional schemes and application, Napoli, February 9-12, 2000 Summer school on Computational Algebra “Initial Ideals”, Nordfjorded, August 10-15, 1999 Conference in honor of David Buchsbaum, Catania April 27- May 5, 1998


N.B. l'elevato numero di pubblicazioni può incidere sul tempo di caricamento della pagina

Anno accademico 2021/2022

Anno accademico 2020/2021

Anno accademico 2019/2020
    Corso di laurea in Ingegneria civile e ambientale - 1° anno

Anno accademico 2018/2019

Anno accademico 2017/2018

Anno accademico 2016/2017

Anno accademico 2015/2016

La mia area di ricerca predominante è Teoria dei Disegni, Teoria dei Grafi e degli Ipergrafi.

Un altro campo di ricerca è la geometria algebrica. In particolare schemi zero dimensioni in P1 × P1, proprietà di funzioni di Hilbert e risoluzioni libere minime.

Affidamento incarico progetto MAT-ITA, Corsi Zero e recupero OFA