Ricercatrice t.d. (art. 24 c.3-a L. 240/10) di Fisica matematica [MATH-04/A]
- "Crossover from fast to slow dynamics in quantum Ising chains with long-range interactions.", G.Piccitto, A. Silva, J. Stat. Mech. (2019) 094017
- "Dynamical phase diagram of a quantum Ising chain with long-range Interactions", G. Piccitto, B. Žunkovič, A. Silva, Phys. Rev. B 100, 180402 (2019)
- "Dynamical phase transition in the 1D-transverse field Ising chain characterized by the transverse magnetization spectral function", G. Piccitto, A. Silva, Phys. Rev. B 100, 134311 (2019)
- "Cluster mean-field dynamics of the long-range interacting Ising chain", G. Piccitto, PhD Thesis
- "Symmetries and conserved quantities of boundary time crystals in generalized spin models", G. Piccitto, M. Wauters, F. Nori, N. Shammah, Phys. Rev. B 104, 014307 (2021)
- "Entanglement transitions in the quantum Ising chain: A comparison between different unravelings of the same Lindbladian", G. Piccitto, A. Russomanno, D. Rossini, Phys. Rev. B 105, 064305 (2022)
- "The Ising critical quantum Otto engine", G. Piccitto, M. Campisi, D. Rossini, New Journal of Physics 24 103023 (2022)
- "Entanglement dynamics with string measurements operator", G. Piccitto, A. Russomanno, D. Rossini, arXiv:2303.07102
- "Entanglement transitions and quantum bifurcations under continuous long-range monitoring" A. Russomanno, G. Piccitto, D. Rossini, Phys. Rev. B 108 (10), 104313
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