Avviso di Seminario di Geometria
Il Prof. Yongbin Ruan, giorno 18-03-2025 alle ore 16:15 presso l'Aula Magna, terrà un seminario dal titolo:
From the orbit of matrices to geometric Langlands and back
ABSTRACT: The orbit of matrices under the conjugation of a reductive Lie group has
some beautiful classical geometry such as hyperkahler structure. These properties reappear in "quantum geometry" such as the moduli space of Higgs bundle, a hot topic in
geometry and physics. These moduli space are conjectured to satisfy some
mirror symmetry phenomenon, referred as geometry Langlands in the literature .
One can generalize geometric Langlands to the case of marked points. It
leads to the possibility of mirror symmetry among these orbits, a fascinating
and yet unknown problem in classical geometry.
Data di pubblicazione: 11/03/2025