Colloquio del Professor Yongbin Ruan - 18 marzo 2025

Giorno 18 marzo 2025 alle ore 16:15 nell’ Aula Magna del DMI si terrà il colloquio di geometria del Professor Yongbin Ruan dell’ Institute for Advanced Studies della Zhejiang University di Hangzhou (Cina).

Titolo: From the orbit of matrices to geometric Langlands and back

Abstract: The orbit of  matrices under the conjugation of a reductive Lie group has some beautiful classical geometry such as hyperkahler structure. These properties reappear in "quantum geometry" such as the moduli space of Higgs bundle, a hot topic in geometry and physics. These moduli space are conjectured to satisfy  some mirror symmetry phenomenon, referred as geometry Langlands in the literature. One can generalize geometric Langlands to the case of marked points. It leads to the possibility of mirror symmetry among these orbits, a fascinating and yet unknown problem in classical geometry.

Data di pubblicazione: 12/03/2025