Seminario - On the stable rank of Int(Z)

il 28 Aprile dalle ore 15.30 in Aula 124 si terranno due seminari di Algebra. I prossimi speaker saranno il Prof. Luigi Salce (Università degli Studi di Padova) e la Prof.ssa Sophie Frisch (TU Graz).
Ore 16.40: Prof.ssa Sophie Frisch
On the stable rank of Int(Z)
Let R be a commutative ring with identity. The stable rank of R is the least natural number n such that whenever (a_1,...a_n,b) is a unimodular sequence in R there are elements c_1,...,c_n in R such that the sequence (a_1+c_1b,..., a_n+c_nb) is still unimodular. The goal of the seminar is to study the stable rank of the ring of integer-valued polynomials over Z.