Seminario - On real analogues of the Poincaré series
Il giorno Venerdì 6 Ottobre alle ore 15,30 in aula Anile il Prof. Felix Delgado de la Mata dell'Universidad de Valladolid terrà un seminario dal titolo:
On real analogues of the Poincaré series.
Abstract: There exist several equivalent equations for the Poincaré series of a collection
of valuations on the ring of germs of functions on a complex analytic variety. We give
definitions of the Poincaré series of a collection of valuations in the real
setting (i.e., on the ring of germs of functions on a real analytic variety),
compute them for the case of one curve valuation on the plane and discuss some
of their properties.
The talk will focus on the case of a single valuation, pointing out the
differences with the well-known case of branches over algebraically
closed fields as well as the qualitative difference between the semigroup
and the Poincaré series.
The main results have been obtained in collaboration with A. Campillo and S.M. Gusein-Zade.