Seminario - Approximate cartesian tree matching with one swap

Alle ore 9:30, nell'aula Anile 124, il prof. Thierry Lecroq, Università di Rouen terrà un seminario dal titolo "Approximate cartesian tree matching with one swap"
Cartesian tree pattern matching consists of finding all the factors of a text that have the same Cartesian tree than a given pattern. There already exist theoretical and practical solutions for the exact case. In this talk, we propose the first algorithm for solving approximate Cartesian tree pattern matching. We consider Cartesian tree pattern matching with one swap: given a pattern of length m and a text of length n we present two algorithms that find all the factors of the text that have the same Cartesian tree of the pattern after one transposition of two adjacent symbols.
The first algorithm uses a characterization of a linear representation of the Cartesian trees called parent-distance after one swap and runs in time Theta(mn) using Theta(m) space. The second algorithm generates all the parent-distance tables of sequences that have the same Cartesian tree than the pattern after one swap. It runs in time O((m^2 + n) log m) and has O(m^2) space complexity.