Presentazione Tesi di Dottorato

On Tuesday February 16th, starting at 9:30, in front of the committee formed by professors (in alphabetical order): 

Arcangelo Labianca, Ricercatore, Università di Bari, Italia; e. mail: (Fisica Matematica);
Gabriella Puppo, Professore Ordinario, Università di Roma, La Sapienza, (Analisi Numerica);
Tina Wakolbinger, Vienna University of Economics and Business, (Ricerca Operativa).

the following PhD candidates will defend their thesis:

Clarissa Astuto
    Multiscale modeling and numerics of sorption kinetics, advisor Prof. Giovanni Russo, University of Catania

Giorgia Maria Cappello
    Network models for the human migration phenomenon, advisor Prof. Patrizia Daniele, University of Catania

Alessio Famà
    Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics of porous media filled by a fluid flow and of rigid bodies with an internal tensorial field influencing the thermal phenomena, advisor Prof. Liliana Restuccia, University of Messina

The final exam will take place on line through the MS Teams platform at the following link:

Whoever is interested is invited to attend.