Vittorio ROMANO
Born in Catania (Italy) on April 1966. Addresses: Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università di Catania, viale A. Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italy. e-mail romano@dmi.unict.it web http://www.dmi.unict.it/~romano Educational background: -Laurea degree in Mathematics, Magna cum Laude, University of Catania, Italy, 1989; -Ph. D. in Mathematics, University of Catania, Italy, 1989-1993 -Ph. D. thesis: Mathematical aspects of relativistic fluid dynamics and applications, advisor prof. A.M.Anile Professional experiences: -Grant with SELENIA Spazio for the development of numerical code on the transmission of electromagnetic waves in wave guides,1989; -Research Felloship at the Instituto di Alta Matematica "F.Saveri", Roma, 1993-1994; -CNR Research Fellowship on Mathematical questions on problem transport in fluids, Catania, 1995; -Grant with SGS Thomson microelectronics for the development of mathematical models for charge transport in semiconductors, 1995; -Assistant Professor of Mathematical Physics, Polytechnic of Bari, 1996; -joint proget with the group of statistical physics at the Autonoma University of Barcelona, Spain; -joint proget with the group of the Siberian division of the Russian Academy of Science, Department of Mathematics, for qualitative analysis of hyperbolic systems; -reviewer of Mathematical Review; -member of the european TMR research group on Asymptotic methods in kinetic theory (http://www.math.tu-berlin.de/~tmr/) - Associate professor at the University of Catania, 2001 - local coordinator of the FP6 EU project "COMSON" grant n. MRTN-CT-2005-019417
Last update, January 2025
Personal data: date and place of birth April 13, 1966, Catania (Italy).
Citizenship: Italian.
Educational background
- PhD in Mathematics, University of Catania, Italy, 1989-1993
- Laurea degree in Mathematics, Magna cum Laude, University of Catania, Italy, 1989
- 2011: Full Professor of Mathematical Physics, University of Catania, Italy
- 2001: Associate Professor of Mathematical Physics, University of Catania, Italy
- 1996: Research Professor, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
Main professional and academic experiences
- Delegate within the Research Committee University of Catania (at the present time);
- Member of the Council of ECMI (European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry) (at the present time);
- Member of the board for the Italian qualification for associate and full professor in
Mathematical Physics;
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Gruppo Nazionale di Fisica Matematica (at the present time) at INDAM (Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica);
- Head of the Interdipartimental Center of Mathematics for Technology A. M. Anile, University of Catania;
- CNR Research fellowship on Mathematical questions on transport problems in fluids, 1995;
- Grant with SGS Thomson microelectronics for the development of mathematical models for charge transport in semiconductors, 1995;
- Research fellowship at the Instituto di Alta Matematica (INDAM) "F.Severi", Roma, 1993-1994.
Research topics
Mathematical modeling and simulation of charge and phonon transport in semiconductors and graphene, non-equilibrium thermodynamics, nonlinear waves and stability of shock waves, numerical methods for hyperbolic systems, group analysis of PDE, radiation hydrodynamics, relativistic fluid dynamics and cosmology.
Main bibliometric metrics
Current H-index: 24 (according to SCOPUS); Google Author h-index: 35; i10-index: 88. Total citations: SCOPUS 1638, Google scholar 3944.
PhD student supervisor: 9 completed.
Teaching (regular lectures)
Classical mechanics, mathematical physics, dynamical systems, mathematical and statistical methods.
Courses held in International Schools
- Charge transport in low dimensional structure, GNFM Summer School of Mathematical Physics, Ravello, September 2016.
-Mathematical Models for Semiconductor Industry, MODCLIM Consortium within the Erasmus+ EU Programme, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, March 2015.
- Modeling and simulation of semiconductor electron devices, 2011 Intensive Programme in MathNanoSci - When Mathematics Meets Nanosciences, EC Erasmus Programme, Università dell'Aquila, Italy, June 2011.
Research management
- Principal investigator Progetto PRIN 2022 Charge transport in low dimensional Structures: modeling, simulation and theoretical aspect, nodes: University of Catania, Florence, Salerno, Palermo and Polytechnic of Milan;
- local scientist in charge project MSCA-RISE “AMBEATION”, 2020-present time, nodes: Polytechnic of Turin, Universities of Catania and Prague, ST-Microelectronics (factories in Catania and Prague), Synopsis (factories in Eindhoven and Porto)
- principal investigator Charge Transport in Graphene and Low dimensional Structures: modeling and simulation, University of Catania 2015;
- scientist in charge European project ENIAC JU “ERG” within the call ENIAC 2010 on Energy for a green society: from sustainable harvesting to smart distribution. Equipment, materials, design solutions and their application;
- scientist in charge project PON “Ambition Power”“Sviluppo di tecnologie, prodotti e processi per le energie rinnovabili e/o per l’utilizzo razionale dell’energia e/o per l’efficienza energetica”;
- scientist in charge for the University of Catania of the FP6 EU project "COMSON" grant n. MRTN-CT-2005-019417 (web site www.comson.org), academic nodes Universities of Catania, Calabria, Bucharest, Eindhoven and Wuppertal, industrial nodes ST-Microelectronics site of Catania, Infineon site of Monaco and Philips site of Eindhoven;
- scientist in charge project "Vigoni" Catania-Kaiserslautern (2006/2007).
Organization of conferences and schools
- Co-chair of the International Conference, Mathematical Aspects in Non Equilibrium Systems: from Micro to Macro, Erice (Italy), November 2024.
- Chair of the 12th international conference SCEE 2018, Taormina (Italy), September 2018.
- Co-chair of the 24th International Conference on Transport Theory (ICTT), Taormina (Italy), September 2015.
- Member of the organizing committee of the international conference ECMI (European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry) 2014, Taormina (Italy), June 2014.
- Member of the organizing committee of the conference SIMAI (Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale) 2014, Taormina (Italy), July 2014.
- Director of the following international schools:
- ECMI Modelling week 2024, Catania, June 2024, https://mathphys.dmi.unict.it/ecmimw2024/;
- MOMINE09, Cetraro, Italy, September 2009 (http://momine2009.unical.it).
- MOMINE08 (Modeling and optimization in micro and nano-electronics), Baia Samuele (Ragusa) Italy , June 2008, (http://www.dmi.unict.it/~momine08/.
Editorial activity
- guest editor of Journal of Theoretical and Computational Transport;
- associate editor of Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics;
- editor of ENTROPY;
- guest editor of COMPEL.
V. D. Camiola, G. Mascali, V. Romano, Charge transport in low dimensional semiconductor structures-the maximum entropy approach, Springer 2020.
Chapters in books
G. Mascali and V. Romano, Heat Generation and Dissipation, chapter 5 of “Handbook of Optoelectronic Device Modeling and Simulation”, Vol. 2, CRC Press (2017) .
G. Alì, M. Culpo, R. Pulch, V. Romano, S. Schöps, PDAE Modeling and Discretization, chapter 2 of “Coupled Multiscale Simulation and Optimization in Nanoelectronics”, Springer (2015).
G. Alì, A. Bartel, M. Gunther, V. Romano, S. Schöps, Simulation of Coupled PDAEs: Dynamic Iteration and Multirate Simulation, chapter 3 of “Coupled Multiscale Simulation and Optimization in Nanoelectronics”, Springer (2015).
A.M. Anile, N. Nikiforakis, V. Romano, G. Russo, Discretization of semiconductor device problems (II), chapter 5 of “Handbook of Numerical Analysis Vol. XIII: special volume Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics”, Elsevier North-Holland (2005).
A. M. Anile, G. Mascali and V. Romano, Recent developments in Hydrodynamical modeling of semiconductors, pagg. 1-54 in “Mathematical problems in semiconductor physics”, A.M. Anile editor, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer (2003).
A.M. Anile and V. Romano, Relativistic radiation hydrodynamics: a covariant theory of flux-limiters, contributo a The Renaissance of General Relativity and Cosmology, edited by G.Ellis, A.Lanza and J.Miller, page 59, Cambridge University Press, (1993).
- V. D. Camiola, V. Romano, G. Vitanza, Wigner Equations for Phonons Transport and Quantum Heat Flux, Journal of nonlinear science, (2024) 34:10.
- G. Nastasi, A. Borzì, V. Romano, Optimal control of a semiclassical Boltzmann equation for charge transport in graphene, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 132 (2024) 107933.
Muscato, G. Nastasi, V. Romano, G. Vitanza, Optimized quantum drift diffusion model for a resonant tunneling diode, J. Non-Equilib. Thermodyn. 2024;
G. Nastasi, V. Romano, Mathematical aspects and simulation of electron–electron scattering in graphene, ZAMP 74(1), article 28, 2023.
G. Nastasi, V. Dario Camiola, V. Romano, Direct Simulation of Charge Transport in Graphene Nanoribbons, Communications in Computational Physics 31(2), 449-494 (2022), doi: 10.4208/cicp.OA-2021-0032.
G. Nastasi, V. Romano, Drift-diffusion models for the simulation of a graphene field effect transistor, Journal of Mathematics in Industry 12: 4 (2022).
M. Coco, P. Bordone, L. Demeio, V. Romano, Pauli principle and the Monte Carlo method for charge transport in graphene, Phys. Rev. B, 104, 205410 (2021).
F. Calleri, G. Nastasi, V. Romano, Continuous-time stochastic processes for the spread of COVID-19 disease simulated via a Monte Carlo approach and comparison with deterministic models, Journal of Mathematical Biology 83: 34 (2021).
G. Nastasi and V. Romano, An efficient GFET structure, IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices 68 (9) 2021, 4729.
L. Barletti, G. Nastasi, C. Negulescu, V. Romano, Mathematical modelling of charge transport in graphene heterojunction,Kinetic and Related Models 14 (2021), 407-427.
M. Coco, G. Mascali, V. Romano, About the Definition of the Local Equilibrium Lattice Temperature in Suspended Monolayer Graphene, Entropy 23 (2021), 873, https://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/23/7/873.
H. Rezgui, F. Nasri, G. Nastasi, M. F. Ben Aissa, S. Rahmouni, V. Romano, M. Marzougui, H. Belmabrouk and A. A. Guizani, Design Optimization of Nanoscale Electrothermal Transport in 10-nm SOI FinFET Technology Node, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (2020) DOI:10.1088/1361-6463/abaf7c
V. D. Camiola, L. Luca, V. Romano, Equilibrium Wigner Function for Fermions and Bosons in the Case of a General Energy Dispersion Relation, Entropy 23 (2021), 417.
G. Nastasi and V. Romano, Discontinuous Galerkin approach for the simulation of charge transport in graphene, Ricerche di Matematica (2021) 70, 149-165.
L. Luca, G. Mascali, G. Nastasi, V. Romano, Comparing kinetic and MEP model of charge transport in graphene, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport 49 (2020), 368-388.
G. Nastasi, V. Romano, A full coupled drift-diffusion-Poisson simulation of a GFET, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat., Vol. 87 (2020), 105300.
G. Mascali, V. Romano, A hierarchy of macroscopic models for phonon transport in graphene, Physica A (2020), 548 : 124489.
A. Majorana, G. Nastasi, V. Romano, Simulation of bipolar charge transport in graphene by using a discontinuous Galerkin method, Comm in Comp. Phys. 26 (2019), 114-134.
G. Nastasi, V. Romano, Improved mobility models for charge transport in graphene, Comm. Appl. Ind. Math. 10(1) (2019), 41-52.
V. D. Camiola, G. Mascali, V. Romano, An improved 2D-3D model for charge transport based on the maximum entropy principle, Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. 31 (2019), 751-753.
L. Luca, V. Romano, Quantum corrected hydrodynamic models for charge transport in graphene, Ann. of Phys. (2019), 406: 50-33.
M. Coco, A. Majorana, G. Nastasi, V. Romano, High-field mobility in graphene on substrate with a proper inclusion of the Pauli exclusion principle, Atti della Accademia, Peloritana dei Pericolanti (2019), 97 No. S1, A6.
L. Luca, V. Romano, Comparing linear and nonlinear hydrodynamical models for charge transport in graphene based on the Maximum Entropy Principle, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics (2018), 104: 39-58.
L. Luca, V. Romano, Hydrodynamical models for charge transport in graphene based on the Maximum Entropy Principle: The case of moments based on energy powers, Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, 96, No. S1, A5 (2018).
A. Patané, A. Santoro, V. Romano, A. La Magna, G. Nicosia, Enhancing quantum efficiency of thin-film silicon solar cells by Pareto optimality (2018), J. Of Global Optimization, 16 March 2018, Pages 1-25.
M. Coco, V. Romano, Simulation of electron-phonon coupling and heating dynamics in suspended monolayer graphene including all the phonon branches, Journal of Heat Transfer (2018), 45 (7): 540-553.
C. R. Drago, V. Romano, Optimal control for semiconductor diode design based on the MEP energy-transport model, J. Theoretical and Computational Transport (2018), 46(6-7): 459-479.
A. Majorana, V. Romano, Numerical solutions of the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation for electrons in n-doped graphene on a substrate, J. Theoretical and Computational Transport, (2017) 46(3): 176-185..
G. Mascali, V. Romano, Exploitation of the Maximum Entropy Principle in Mathematical Modeling of Charge Transport in Semiconductors, Entropy (2017) 19(1), 36; doi:10.3390/e19010036 (open access article).
G. Alì, V. Romano, Existence and uniqueness for a two-temperature energy-transport model for semiconductors, J. Mathematical Analysis and Application (2017), 449: 1248-1264
A. Majorana, G. Mascali, V. Romano, Charge transport and mobility in monolayer graphene, Journal of Mathematics in Industry, DOI 10.1186/s13362-016-0027-3 (2016).
M. Coco, G. Mascali, V. Romano, Monte Carlo analysis of thermal effects in monolayer graphene, J. Computational and Theoretical Transport (2016), 45 (7): 540-543.
M. Coco, V. Romano, A. Majorana, Cross validation of discontinuous Galerkin method and Monte Carlo simulations of charge transport in graphene on substrate, Ricerche Mat. DOI 10.1007/s11587-016-0298-4 (2016).
V. Romano, A. Majorana, M. Coco, DSMC method consistent with the Pauli exclusion principle and comparison with deterministic solutions for charge transport in graphene, Journal of Computational Physics (2015) 302: 267-284.
V. D. Camiola, V. Romano, Hydrodynamical Model for Charge Transport in Graphene, J Stat. Phys (2014) 157: 1114–1137.
G. Alì, G. Mascali, V. Romano, R. C. Torcasio, A hydrodynamical model for covalent semiconductors with a generalized dispersion relation, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, Available on CJO 2014 doi:10.1017/S0956792514000011 (2014).
V. D. Camiola , V. Romano, 2DEG-3DEG charge transport model for MOSFET based on the Maximum Entropy Principle, SIAM J. Appl. Mathematics (2013) 73 (4): 1439–1459.
G. Stracquadanio, V. Romano, G. Nicosia, Semiconductor device design using the Bimads algorithm, J. Comp. Physics (2013) 242 304-320.
V. D. Camiola, G. Mascali, V. Romano, Simulation of a double-gate MOSFET by a non-parabolic energy-transport model for semiconductors based on the maximum entropy principle, Mathematical and Computer Modelling (2013) 58: 321-343.
G. Alì, G. Mascali, V. Romano, R. C. Torcasio , A Hydrodynamic Model for Covalent Semiconductors with Applications to GaN and SiC, Acta Appl Math (2012) 122 (1): 335-348.
G. Mascali and V. Romano, A non parabolic hydrodynamical subband model for semiconductors based on the maximum entropy principle, Mathematical and Computer Modelling (2012) 55: 1003–1020.
V. D. Camiola, G. Mascali, V. Romano, Numerical simulation of a double-gate MOSFET with a subband model for semiconductors based on the maximum entropy principle, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics (2012) 24 (4-6): 417-436.
G. Mascali and V. Romano, A hydrodynamical model for holes in silicon semiconductors: the case of nonparabolic warped bands, Mathematical and Computer Modelling (2011) 53 (1-2): 213-229.
G. Mascali and V. Romano, A hydrodynamical model for holes in silicon semiconductors: the case of parabolic warped bands, COMPEL (2012) 31 (2): 552-582.
V. Romano and A. Rusakov, 2D numerical simulations of an electron-phonon hydrodynamical model based on the maximum entropy principle, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. (2010) 199 (41-44): 2741-2751.
V. Romano and M. Zwierz, Electron-phonon hydrodynamical model for semiconductors, Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 61 (2010): 111-1131.
G. Mascali and V. Romano, Hydrodynamic subband model for semiconductors based on the maximum entropy principle, IL NUOVO CIMENTO (2010) 33 C (1): 155-163.
V. Romano and A. Rusakov, Numerical simulation of coupled electron devices and circuits by the MEP hydrodynamical model for semiconductors with crystal heating, IL NUOVO CIMENTO (2010) 33 C (1): 223-230.
S. La Rosa, G. Mascali and V. Romano, Exact maximum entropy closure of the hydrodynamical model for Si semiconductors: the 8-moment case, SIAM J. of Appl. Mathematics (2009) 70 (3): 710–734.
S. La Rosa and V. Romano, Maximum Entropy Principle Hydrodynamical Model for Holes in Silicon Semiconductors: the case of the warped bands, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. (2008) 41, 215103 .
V. Romano, Quantum corrections to the semiclassical hydrodynamical model of semiconductors based on the maximum entropy principle, J. Math. Physics (2007) 48, 123504 .
V. Romano, M. Torrisi and R. Tracinà, Approximate solutions to the quantum drift-diffusion model of semiconductors, J. Math. Physics (2007) 48, 23501 .
V. Romano, 2D numerical simulation of the MEP energy-transport model with a finite difference scheme, J. Comp. Physics (2007) 221, pag. 439-468.
A.M. Blokhin, R.S. Bushmanov and V. Romano, Nonlinear asymptotic stability of the equilibrium state for the MEP model of charge transport in semiconductors, Nonlinear Analysis (2006) 65 2169-2191 .
A.M. Blokhin, R.S. Bushmanov, A. S. Rudometova and V. Romano, Linear asymptotic stability of the equilibrium state for the 2-D MEP hydrodynamical model of charge transport in semiconductors, Nonlinear Analysis (2006) 65 1018-1038.
A.M. Anile, A. Marrocco, V. Romano, J.M. Sellier, 2D numerical simulation of the MEP energy-transport model with a mixed finite elements scheme, J. Comp. Electronics (2005) 4 231-259.
G. Mascali, V. Romano, J.M. Sellier, MEP parabolic hydrodynamical models for holes in Silicon semiconductors, Il Nuovo Cimento B (2005) 120 197-215.
M. Junk and V. Romano, Maximum entropy moment system of the semiconductor Boltzmann equation using Kane’s dispersion relation, Cont. Mech. Thermodyn. (2005) 17 (3) 247-267.
A.M. Blokhin, A.S. Bushmanova and V. Romano, Global existence for the system of the macroscopic balance equations of charge transport in semiconductors, J. Math. Analys. Appl. (2005) 305: 72-90.
G. Mascali and V. Romano, Si and GaAs mobility derived from a a hydrodynamical model for semiconductors based on the maximum entropy principle, Physica A (2005) 352: 459-476.
G. Mascali and V. Romano, Simulation of Gunn oscillations with a non-parabolic hydrodynamical model based on the maximum entropy principle, COMPEL (2005) 24 (1) 35-54 (2005).
V. Romano and A. Valenti, Exact invariant solutions for a class of energy-transport models of semiconductors in the two dimensional stationary case, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (2005) 10: 499-514.
V. Romano, J. M. Sellier, M. Torrisi, Symmetry analysis and exact solutions for the drift-diffusion model of semiconductors, Physica A (2004) 341: 62-72.
A.M. Blokhin, A.S. Bushmanova and V. Romano, Asymptotic stability of the equilibrium state for the hydrodynamicl model of charge transport in semiconductors based on the maximum entropy principle, Int. J. Eng. Science (2004) 42: 915-934.
A.M. Blokhin, R. S. Bushmanov and V. Romano, Asymptotic stability of the equilibrium state for the macroscopic balance equations of charge transport in semiconductors, Computational Technologies (2003) 8 (3) 7-22.
G. Mascali and V. Romano, Hydrodynamical model of charge transport in GaAs based on the maximum entropy principle, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics (2002) 14: 405-423 .
V. Romano and A.Valenti, Symmetry analysis and exact invariant solutions for a class of energy-transport models of semiconductors, J. Phys. A (2002) 35: 1751-1762.
V. Romano, 2D simulation of a silicon MESFET with a nonparabolic hydrodynamical model based on the maximum entropy principle, Journal of Computational Physics (2002) 176: 70-92.
O. Muscato and V. Romano, Simulation of submicron diodes with a non-parabolic hydrodynamical model based on the maximum entropy principle, VLSI-Design (2001) 13 (1-4): 273-279.
V. Romano, Non-parabolic band hydrodynamical model of silicon semiconductors and simulation of electron devices, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (2001) 24 (7): 439-471.
A.M. Anile and V. Romano, Hydrodynamical modeling of charge transport in semiconductors, MECCANICA (2001) 35: 249-296.
V. Romano and M. Torrisi, Asymptotic waves in the hydrodynamical model of semiconductors based on Extended Thermodynamics, ZAMM (2001) 81 (1): 53-63.
A.M. Blokhin, A.S. Bushmanova and V. Romano, Stability of the equilibrium state for a hydrodynamical model of charge transport in semiconductors, ZAMP (2001) 52: 476-499.
F. Liotta, V. Romano and G. Russo, Central schemes for balance laws of relaxation type, SIAM J. Numerical Analysis (2000) 38 (4): 1337-1356 .
A.M. Anile, O. Muscato and V. Romano, Moment equations with maximum entropy closure for carrier transport in semiconductor devices: validation in bulk silicon, VLSI Design (2000) 10: 335-354 .
V. Romano, Non parabolic band transport in semiconductors: closure of the production terms in the moment equations, Cont. Mechan. Thermodyn. (2000) 12 (1) 31-51.
A.M. Anile, M. Junk, V. Romano and G. Russo, Cross-validation of numerical schemes for extended hydrodynamical models of semiconductors, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (2000) 10: 833-861.
A.M. Anile, V. Romano and G. Russo, Extended Hydrodynamical Model of Carrier Transport in Semiconductors, SIAM J. Appl. Mathematics (2000) 61 (1): 74-101 .
V. Romano and G. Russo, Numerical solutions for hydrodynamical models of semiconductors, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, (2000) 10 (7) 1099-1120.
V. Romano and M. Torrisi, Application of weak equivalence transformations to a drift-diffusion model, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. (1999) 32: 7953-7963.
A.M. Anile and V. Romano, Non parabolic band transport in semiconductors: closure of the moment equations, Cont. Mechan. Thermodyn. (1999) 11 (5): 307-325 .
S.F. Liotta, V. Romano and G. Russo, Central scheme for systems of balance laws, International Series of Numerical Mathematics, (1999) 130: 651-660 .
A.M. Blokhin, V. Romano and Yu L. Trakhinin, Stability of shock waves in relativistic radiation hydrodynamics, Ann. de l'Inst. H. Poincaré, Physique Théorique (1997) 67: 145-180.
G. Mascali and V. Romano, Maximum entropy principle in relativistic radiation hydrodynamics, Ann. De l'Inst. H. Poincarè, Physique Théorique, (1997) 67 (2): 123-144.
V. Romano and D.K.Palagachev, Existence and uniqueness of asymptotic wave solutions for the hydrodynamical model of semiconductors, Comm. in Appl. Analysis (1997) 1 (1) 61-74.
V. Romano, Shock waves in relativistic radiation hydrodynamics, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, (1996) 45: 573.
A.M. Blokhin, V. Romano and Yu L. Trakhinin, Some mathematical properties of radiating gas model obtained with a variable Eddington factor, ZAMP (1996) 47: 639-658.
V. Romano, Asymptotic waves for the hydrodynamical model of semiconductors, Wave Motion (1996) 24: 151-167.
D. Pavòn, J. Triginer and V. Romano, Causal Cosmology, Proceeding of the International Conference Encuentros Relativistas Espagnoles 94, Menorca september 1994.
V. Romano and D. Pavòn, Dissipative effects in Bianchi type-III cosmologies, Physical Review D (1994) 50 (4): 2572-2580 .
A. Bonanno and V. Romano, A flux-limited gauge-invariant approach to cosmological perturbations,
Physical Review D (1994) 49 (12): 6450-6459.
G. Alì and V. Romano, Jump conditions for a radiating relativistic gas, Journal of Mathematical Physics (1994) 35 (6): 2878-2901.
A. Bonanno and V. Romano, Covariant flux-limited diffusion theory in Bianchi cosmologies, Journal of Mathematical Physics (1994) 35 (2): 885-898.
V. Romano and D. Pavòn, Causal dissipative Bianchi cosmology, Physical Review D (1993) 47 (4): 1396-1403.
A. Bonanno and V. Romano, Covariant flux-limited diffusion theory for anisotropic source term, Astrophysical Journal (1993) 404 (1): 264-267.
A. M.Anile and V. Romano, Covariant flux-limited diffusion theories, Astrophysical Journal (1992) 386: 325.
M. Coco, A. Majorana, G. Mascali, V. Romano, Comparing kinetic and hydrodynamical models for electron transport in monolayer graphene, VI International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, (2015).
G. Mascali, V. Romano, A comprehensive hydrodynamical model for charge transport in graphene, IWCE 2014, Paris (2014), IEEE proceedings.
G. Mascali and V. Romano, A macroscopic model for electron transport in silicon using analytical description for both the electron bands and phonon dispersion relations, AIP Conference proceedings, Vol. 1558, pag. 1200-1203 (2013).
V. D. Camiola and V. Romano, Simulation of charge transport in graphene nano-ribbons with a model based on MEP, AIP Conference proceedings, Vol. 1558, pag. 1204-1207 (2013).
V. D. Camiola and V. Romano, Mathematical Structure of the transport equations for coupled “2D-3D electron gasses in a MOSFET, V International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, S. Idelsohn et al editors (2013).
V. Romano and C. Scordia, Simulations of an electron-phonon hydrodynamical model based on the maximum entropy principle, pag. 289-296, in “Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering SCEE 2008”, J. Roos et al editors (2010).
S. La Rosa, G. Mascali and V. Romano, Nonlinear models for silicon semiconductors, pag. 429-436, in “Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering SCEE 2008”, J. Roos et al editors (2010).
V. D. Camiola and V. Romano, Quantum BGK model for electron transport in semiconductors, in “Proceedings WASCOM 2009” pag. 52-56, A. M. Greco et al editors, World Scientific (2010).
G. Stracquadanio, C. Drago, G. Nicosia, V. Romano, Doping profile optimization in semiconductor design, in “The 16th IEEE Int. Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and Systems”(ICECS 2009), 13-16 December 2009, Hammamet, Tunisie. IEEE Press.
A. Majorana and V. Romano, Comparing kinetic and MEP model of charge transport in semiconductors, in “Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2006” pag. 525-530, L. Bonilla et al editors, Springer (2008).
S. La Rosa, V. Romano and G. Mascali, Nonlinear Closure Relations: A Case from Semiconductors, in “Proceedings WASCOM 2007” pag. 366-371, N. Manganaro et al. editors, World Scientific (2008).
V. Romano and M. Ruggieri, Nonlinear wave propagation in an elastic soil, in “Proceedings WASCOM 2007” pag. 502-507, N. Manganaro et al. editors, World Scientific (2008).
V. Romano and M. Zwierz, Modeling the Heating of Semiconductor Crystal Lattice Based on the Maximum Entropy Principle, in “Proceedings WASCOM 2007” pag. 508-513, N. Manganaro et al. Editors, World Scientific (2008).
G. Mascali and V. Romano, Nonlinear Exact Closure for the Hydrodynamical Model of Semiconductors based on the Maximum Entropy Principle, in “APPLIED AND INDUSTRIAL MATHEMATICS IN ITALY II” pag. 444-455, V. Cutello et al editors, World Scientific (2007).
R. Beneduci, G. Mascali and V. Romano, Extended Hydrodynamical Models of Charge Transport in Si, pag. 357-363, in “Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering, SCEE 2006”, G. Ciuprina and D. Ioan editors, Springer (2007).
V. Romano, J. M. Sellier and M. Torrisi, Exact solutions for the drift-diffusion model of semiconductors via Lie symmetry analysis, in “MATHEMATICS IN INDUSTRY: Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering” pag. 383-388, A.M. Anile et al editors, Springer (2006).
G. Mascali, V. Romano and J. M. Sellier, Hole mobility in Silicon semiconductor, in “MATHEMATICS IN INDUSTRY: Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering” pag. 363-368, A.M. Anile et al editors, Springer (2006).
A.M. Anile, A. Marrocco, V. Romano, J.M. Sellier, Mixed finite element numerical simulation of a 2D Silicon MOSFET with the non-parabolic MEP energy-transport model, in “MATHEMATICS IN INDUSTRY: Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering” pag. 277-282, A.M. Anile et al editors, Springer (2006).
G. Mascali, V. Romano and J.M. Sellier, Gunn Oscillations described by the MEP Hydrodynamical Model of Semiconductors, in “Device applications of nonlinear dynamics” pag. 223-228, S. Baglio and Adi Busara editors, Springer(2006).
V. Romano, M. Torrisi, R. Tracinà, Symmetry analysis for the quantum drift-diffusion model of semiconductors, in “Proceedings WASCOM 2005” pag. 475-480, R. Monaco et al editors, Word Scientific (2006).
S.La Rosa, V. Romano, An Euler-Poisson model based on MEP for holes in semiconductors, in“Proceedings WASCOM 2005” pag. 316-321, R. Monaco et al. editors, World Scientific (2006).
A.M. Blokhin, R.S. Bushmanov and V. Romano, Asymptotic stability of the solutions of the hydrodynamical model of semiconductors based on the maximum entropy principle: the case of bulk silicon, in “APPLIED AND INDUSTRIAL MATHEMATICS IN ITALY” pag. 155-166, M. Primicerio et al editors, World Scientific (2005).
M. Junk and V. Romano, Exact closure relations for the maximum entropy moment system in semiconductors using Kane’s dispersion relation, in “Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2004” pag. 184-188, A. Di Bucchianico, R. M. M. Mattheij, M. A. Peletier editors, Springer 2005.
V. Romano and A. Valenti, On group analysis of a class of energy-transport models of semiconductors in the two dimensional case, in “Proceedings WASCOM 2003”, pag. 434-440, R. Monaco, S. Pennisi, S. Rionero, T. Ruggeri editors, World Scientific 2004.
V. Romano, Mobility for silicon semiconductor derived from the hydrodynamical model based on the maximum entropy principle, pag. 153-157 in “Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2002”, A. Buikis R. Ciegis , A. D. Fitt editors, Springer 2004.
A. M. Anile, G. Mascali and V. Romano, Hydrodynamical model for GaAs semiconductors based on the maximum entropy principle with application to electronic devices, pagg. 315 in “Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of integrated Circuits”, Int. Series of Numerical Mathematics vol. 146, K. Antreich, R. Bulirsch, A. Gilg and P. Rentrop editors (2003).
V. Romano and A. Valenti, Symmetry classification for a class of energy-transport models, in “Proceedings WASCOM 2001”, pag. 477-483 , R. Monaco. M. P. Bianchi, S. Rionero editors, World Scientific 2002.
A.M. Blokhin, A.S. Bushmanova and V. Romano, Electron flow stability in bulk silicon in the limit of small electric field, in “Proceedings WASCOM 2001”, pag. 55- 61, R. Monaco. M. P. Bianchi, S. Rionero editors, World Scientific 2002.
V. Romano, Energy transport model for silicon semiconductors derived from the non parabolic band hydrodynamical model based on the maximum entropy principle, in “Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2000” pag. 246-251, A.N. Anile, V. Capasso, A. Greco editors, Springer 2002.
A.M. Anile and V. Romano, Numerical investigation of shock wave in a radiating gas described by a variable Eddington factor, in “Continuum Mechanics and Applications in Geophysics and the Enviroment”, B. Straughan, R. Greve, H. Ehrentraut, Y. Wang editors, Springer (2001).
V. Romano, Maximum entropy principle for electron transport in semiconductors, in “Proceedings WASCOM 1999”, V. Cianco et al editors, World Scientific (2001).
V. Romano and M. Torrisi, Symmetries for a drift-diffusion system via weak equivalence transformations in "Modern Group Analysis VII", page 275, MARS Publishers, N.Ibragimov et al editors, Trondheim (Norway), 1999.
Romano and G. Russo, Hyperbolicity condition for the hydrodynamical model of charge transport in semiconductors based on Extended Thermodynamics, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo serie II, 57 433-438 (1998).
A.M. Anile, V. Romano and G. Russo, Hyperbolic Hydrodynamical Model of Carrier Transport in Semiconductors, proceedings IWCE-97, Notre-Dame (USA), in VLSI Design, 8 Nos.(1-4) 521-525 (1998).
A.M. Anile, G. Alì and V. Romano, Relativistic dissipative fluids, contributo a Physics on Manifolds, edited by M.Flato, R.Kerner and A.Lichnerowicz, page 1, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1994.
V. Romano and G. Alì, Shock Structure for a radiating gas, "7-th Conference on Wave and Stability in Continuous Media", S.Rionero and T.Ruggeri editors, World Scientific, 1994.
V. Romano, Covariant flux-limited diffusion theory, Le Matematiche, Vol. XLVI fasc. 1, 361 (1991
Academic Year 2021/2022
Master's Degree in Structural and Geotechnical Civil Engineering - 1st Year
Master's Degree in Mathematics - 1st Year
Master's Degree in Mathematics - 1st Year
Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics - 3rd Year
Academic Year 2020/2021
Master's Degree in Structural and Geotechnical Civil Engineering - 1st Year
Master's Degree in Mathematics - 1st Year
Master's Degree in Mathematics - 1st Year
Academic Year 2019/2020
Master's Degree in Structural and Geotechnical Civil Engineering - 1st Year
Master's Degree in Mathematics - 1st Year
Master's Degree in Mathematics - 1st Year
Master's Degree in Mathematics - 2nd Year
Academic Year 2018/2019
Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering - 2nd Year
Master's Degree in Mathematics - 2nd Year
Academic Year 2017/2018
Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering - 2nd Year
Master's Degree in Mathematics - 2nd Year
Academic Year 2016/2017
Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering - 2nd Year
Master's Degree in Mathematics - 2nd Year
Academic Year 2015/2016
Master's Degree in Structural and Geotechnical Civil Engineering - 1st Year
Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering - 2nd Year
Master's Degree in Mathematics - 2nd Year
Research topics
- mathematical modeling and simulation of charge transport in semiconductors
- non-equilibrium thermodynamics
- nonlinear waves and stability of shock waves
- numerical methods for hyperbolic systems
- group analysis of PDE
- radiation hydrodynamics
- relativistic fluid dynamics and cosmology
Teaching arguments
- classical mechanics
- mathematical and statistical methods for engineering
- mathematical physics
- calculus
- numerical methods
Courses in International Schools
- Charge transport in low dimensional structure, GNFM Summer School of Mathematical Physics, Ravello settembre 2016.
- Mathematical Models for Semiconductor Industry, MODCLIM Consortium within the Erasmus+ EU Programme, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, March 2015
- Modeling and simulation of semiconductor electron devices, 2011 Intensive Programme in MathNanoSci - When Mathematics Meets Nanosciences, EC Erasmus Programme, Università dell'Aquila, Italy, June 2011
Visiting at
- Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
- SISSA, Italy
- Kaiserslauten University of Technology, Germany
- Bergische University of Wuppertal, Germany
Research management
- principal investigator project Charge Transport in Graphene and Low dimensional Structures: modeling and simulation, University of Catania 2015
- scientist in charge european project ENIAC JU “ERG” within the call ENIAC 2010 on Energy for a green society: from sustainable harvesting to smart distribution. eQUIPMENTS, materials, design solutions and their applications
- scientist in charge project PON “Ambition Power”“Sviluppo di tecnologie, prodotti e processi per le energie rinnovabili e/o per l’utilizzo razionale dell’energia e/o per l’efficienza energetica”
- scientist in charge for the University of Catania of the FP6 EU project "COMSON" grant n. MRTN-CT-2005-019417 (web site www.comson.org), academic nodes Universities of Catania, Calabria, Bucarest, Eindhoven and Wuppertal, industrial nodes ST-Microelectronics site of Catania,
Infineon site of Monaco and Philips site of Eindhoven.
- scientist in charge project "Vigoni" Catania-Kaiserslautern (2006/2007)
Organization of conferences and schools
- member of the scientific committee of the INDAM conference “Multiscale analysis for quantum system and applications”, Roma, October 2007.
- member of the scientific committee of SCEE (Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering) 2008 (Helsinki), 2010 (Tolouse), 2012 (Zurich), 2014 (Wuppertal).
- member of the organizing committe ECMI (European Consortium for Mathematics for Industry) 2014, Taormina, Italy
- member of the organizing committe SIMAI (Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale) 2014, Taormina , Italy
- Co-chair of the International Conference on Transport Theory, Taormina (Italy), September 2015
- director of the following international schools:
1) MOMINE08 (Modeling and optimization in micro and nano-electronics),
baia Samuele (Ragusa) Italy , June 2008,
2) MOMINE09, Cetraro, Italy, September 2009 (http://momine2009.unical.it).
Supervisor of PhD student
1. Salvatore La Rosa Hydrodynamical Models for Si Semiconductors Based on the Maximum Entropy Principle, Dottorato di Ricerca in Matematica per l'Ingegneria, Università degli studi di Catania, XX ciclo.
2. Nella Rotundo Coupling and thermal effetcs in semiconductor devices, Dottorato in Matematica Applicata all'ingegneria XXIII ciclo, Università degli studi di Catania.
3. Vito Dario Camiola, Subbands model for semiconductors based on the Maximum Entropy Principle, Dottorato in Matematica Applicata XXV ciclo, Università degli Studi di Catania;
4. Angelo Greco, Optimization of homogeneous emitter and thin-film solar cells, Dottorato in Matematica Applicata XXV ciclo, Università degli Studi di Catania;
5. Marco Coco, Monte Carlo study of charge and phonon transport in graphene, Dottorato in Matematica e Informatica XXX ciclo, sedi consorziate Università di Catania, Messina Palermo.
6. Silvia Licciardi, Umbral Calculus: a different mathematical language, Dottorato in Matematica e Informatica XXX ciclo, sedi consorziate Università di Catania, Messina Palermo (cosupervisor together with prof. Giuseppe Dattoli from ENEA, Rome).
Invited speakers at the following conferences
- New Trends in Fluid and Solid Models, Vietri sul Mare, febbraio 2018.
- PhHydro 2018, Palermo gennaio 2018;
- WIMMIA 2017, Roma;
- SEMODAY 20916, Florence, 2016;
- THERMOCON 2016, Messina, 2016;
- WASCOM 2015, Cetraro, 2015.
- WASCOM 2015, Cetraro, June 2015;
- JETC (Joint European Conference on Thermodynamics) 2013, Brescia, July 2013,
- TTMT, Berlin December 2011;
- IPERME 2011, Messina February 2011;
- International workshop “Quantum systems and semiconductor devices:
Analysis, Simulations, Applications, April 2009, Beijing, China
- SEMIC2007, Wuppertal, February 2007
- NANOQ06, Politecnico di Milano, November 2006
- SEMIC2006, TU Vienna, February 2006
- EMIC2005, Politecnico di Milano, February 2005
Editor activity
- associate editor of Journal of Theoretical and Computational Transport (2015)
- associate editor of Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics (2015)