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Vittorio ROMANO

Full Professor of Mathematical physics [MATH-04/A]

Born in Catania (Italy) on April 1966. Addresses: Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università di Catania, viale A. Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italy. e-mail web Educational background: -Laurea degree in Mathematics, Magna cum Laude, University of Catania, Italy, 1989; -Ph. D. in Mathematics, University of Catania, Italy, 1989-1993 -Ph. D. thesis: Mathematical aspects of relativistic fluid dynamics and applications, advisor prof. A.M.Anile Professional experiences: -Grant with SELENIA Spazio for the development of numerical code on the transmission of electromagnetic waves in wave guides,1989; -Research Felloship at the Instituto di Alta Matematica "F.Saveri", Roma, 1993-1994; -CNR Research Fellowship on Mathematical questions on problem transport in fluids, Catania, 1995; -Grant with SGS Thomson microelectronics for the development of mathematical models for charge transport in semiconductors, 1995; -Assistant Professor of Mathematical Physics, Polytechnic of Bari, 1996; -joint proget with the group of statistical physics at the Autonoma University of Barcelona, Spain; -joint proget with the group of the Siberian division of the Russian Academy of Science, Department of Mathematics, for qualitative analysis of hyperbolic systems; -reviewer of Mathematical Review; -member of the european TMR research group on Asymptotic methods in kinetic theory ( - Associate professor at the University of Catania, 2001 - local coordinator of the FP6 EU project "COMSON" grant n. MRTN-CT-2005-019417


Last update December 19, 2022 

Educational background
- PhD. thesis: Mathematical aspects of relativistic fluid dynamics and applications, advisor prof. A.M.Anile (1994)
- PhD in Mathematics, University of Catania, Italy, 1989-1993 
- Laurea degree in Mathematics, Magna cum Laude, University of Catania, Italy, 1989


- 2011: Full Professor of Mathematical Physics, University of Catania
- 2001: Associate Professor of Mathematical Physics
- 1996: Research Professor

Professional and academic experiences

- CNR Research Fellowship on Mathematical questions on transport problems in fluids, 1995
- grant with SGS Thomson microelectronics for the development of mathematical models for charge transport in semiconductors, 1995
- research felloship at the Instituto di Alta Matematica (INDAM) "F.Severi", Roma, 1993-1994
- grant with SELENIA Spazio for the development of numerical code for the transmission of electromagnetic waves in wave guides, 1989

Academic charges

- head of the Interdipartimental Center of Mathematics for Technology "A.M. Anile,  University of Catania;

- member of the Council of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI); 

-member of the Scientific Committee of Gruppo Nazionale di Fisica Matematica (GNFM)  at Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (INDAM) F. Severi;

- member of the Committee for italian qualification of full and associate professor in Mathematical Physics period  2018-2021.


Research topics

- mathematical modeling and simulation of charge transport in semiconductors
- non-equilibrium thermodynamics
- nonlinear waves and stability of shock waves
- numerical methods for hyperbolic systems
- group analysis of PDE
- radiation hydrodynamics
- relativistic fluid dynamics and cosmology


- 1 monograph

-92 original research papers published in international journals
-37 proceedings of conferences
-6 chapters of books

Bibliometric parameters (data March  December 2022)

-Sum of the Times Cited: 1333 (SCOPUS)

- Sum of the Times Cited: 3169 (Google scholar)
-H-index: 22 (SCOPUS)

Teaching arguments

- classical mechanics
- mathematical and statistical methods for engineering
- mathematical physics
- calculus
- numerical methods

Courses in International Schools

- Charge transport in low dimensional structure, GNFM Summer School of Mathematical Physics, Ravello settembre 2016. 
- Mathematical Models for Semiconductor Industry, MODCLIM Consortium within the Erasmus+ EU Programme, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, March 2015
- Modeling and simulation of semiconductor electron devices,   2011 Intensive Programme in MathNanoSci - When Mathematics Meets Nanosciences,  EC Erasmus Programme, Università dell'Aquila, Italy,  June 2011

Visiting at

- Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain 
- SISSA, Italy
- Kaiserslauten University of Technology, Germany
- Bergische University of Wuppertal, Germany

Research management

- principal investigator project  Charge Transport in Graphene and Low dimensional Structures: modeling and simulation, University of Catania 2015
- scientist in charge european project   ENIAC JU “ERG”  within the call ENIAC 2010 on Energy for a green society: from sustainable harvesting to smart distribution. eQUIPMENTS, materials, design solutions and their applications
- scientist in charge project PON “Ambition Power”“Sviluppo di tecnologie, prodotti e processi per le energie rinnovabili e/o per l’utilizzo razionale dell’energia e/o per l’efficienza energetica”
- scientist in charge for the University of Catania of the FP6 EU project "COMSON" grant n. MRTN-CT-2005-019417 (web site, academic nodes Universities of Catania, Calabria, Bucarest, Eindhoven and Wuppertal, industrial nodes ST-Microelectronics site of Catania, 
Infineon site of Monaco and Philips site of Eindhoven.
- scientist in charge project "Vigoni" Catania-Kaiserslautern (2006/2007)

Organization of conferences and schools

- member of the scientific committee of the INDAM conference “Multiscale analysis for quantum system and applications”, Roma, October 2007.
- member of the scientific committee of SCEE  (Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering) 2008 (Helsinki), 2010 (Tolouse),  2012 (Zurich), 2014 (Wuppertal).
- member of the organizing committe ECMI (European Consortium for Mathematics for Industry) 2014, Taormina, Italy
- member of the organizing committe SIMAI (Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale) 2014, Taormina , Italy
- Co-chair of the International Conference on Transport Theory, Taormina (Italy), September  2015 
- director of the following international schools:
  1) MOMINE08 (Modeling and optimization in micro and nano-electronics), 
      baia Samuele (Ragusa) Italy , June 2008, 
  2) MOMINE09, Cetraro, Italy, September 2009 (

Supervisor of PhD student

  1. Salvatore La Rosa Hydrodynamical Models for Si Semiconductors Based on the Maximum Entropy Principle, Dottorato di Ricerca in Matematica per l'Ingegneria, Università degli studi di Catania, XX ciclo.
  2. Nella Rotundo Coupling and thermal effetcs in semiconductor devices, Dottorato in Matematica Applicata all'ingegneria XXIII ciclo, Università degli studi di Catania.
  3. Vito Dario Camiola, Subbands model for semiconductors based on the Maximum Entropy Principle, Dottorato in Matematica Applicata XXV ciclo, Università degli Studi di Catania;
  4. Angelo Greco,  Optimization of homogeneous emitter and thin-film solar cells,  Dottorato in Matematica Applicata XXV ciclo, Università degli Studi di Catania;
  5. Marco Coco, Monte Carlo study of charge and phonon transport in graphene, Dottorato in Matematica e Informatica XXX ciclo, sedi consorziate Università di Catania, Messina Palermo.
  6. Silvia Licciardi, Umbral Calculus: a different mathematical language, Dottorato in Matematica e Informatica XXX ciclo, sedi consorziate Università di Catania, Messina Palermo (cosupervisor together with prof. Giuseppe Dattoli from ENEA, Rome).
  7. Lliana Luca, Hydrodynamic modeling of electron transport in graphene Dottorato in Matematica e Informatica XXXI ciclo, sedi consorziate Università di Catania, Messina Palermo. 
  8. Giovanni Nastasi, Modeling and simulation of charge transport in graphene, Dottorato in Matematica e Informatica XXXII ciclo, sedi consorziate Università di Catania, Messina Palermo.

Invited speakers at the following conferences   

Editor activity

- associate editor of Journal of Theoretical and Computational Transport (2015)
- associate editor of Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics (2015)

- Entropy (2018)

Citation metrics

H-index  23 in SCOPUS: Google Author h-index: 32; i10-index: 79. Total citations: SCOPUS 1468, Google scholar 3463.

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

Research topics

- mathematical modeling and simulation of charge transport in semiconductors
- non-equilibrium thermodynamics
- nonlinear waves and stability of shock waves
- numerical methods for hyperbolic systems
- group analysis of PDE
- radiation hydrodynamics
- relativistic fluid dynamics and cosmology




Teaching arguments

- classical mechanics
- mathematical and statistical methods for engineering
- mathematical physics
- calculus
- numerical methods

Courses in International Schools

- Charge transport in low dimensional structure, GNFM Summer School of Mathematical Physics, Ravello settembre 2016. 
- Mathematical Models for Semiconductor Industry, MODCLIM Consortium within the Erasmus+ EU Programme, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, March 2015
- Modeling and simulation of semiconductor electron devices,   2011 Intensive Programme in MathNanoSci - When Mathematics Meets Nanosciences,  EC Erasmus Programme, Università dell'Aquila, Italy,  June 2011

Visiting at

- Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain 
- SISSA, Italy
- Kaiserslauten University of Technology, Germany
- Bergische University of Wuppertal, Germany

Research management

- principal investigator project  Charge Transport in Graphene and Low dimensional Structures: modeling and simulation, University of Catania 2015
- scientist in charge european project   ENIAC JU “ERG”  within the call ENIAC 2010 on Energy for a green society: from sustainable harvesting to smart distribution. eQUIPMENTS, materials, design solutions and their applications
- scientist in charge project PON “Ambition Power”“Sviluppo di tecnologie, prodotti e processi per le energie rinnovabili e/o per l’utilizzo razionale dell’energia e/o per l’efficienza energetica”
- scientist in charge for the University of Catania of the FP6 EU project "COMSON" grant n. MRTN-CT-2005-019417 (web site, academic nodes Universities of Catania, Calabria, Bucarest, Eindhoven and Wuppertal, industrial nodes ST-Microelectronics site of Catania, 
Infineon site of Monaco and Philips site of Eindhoven.
- scientist in charge project "Vigoni" Catania-Kaiserslautern (2006/2007)

Organization of conferences and schools

- member of the scientific committee of the INDAM conference “Multiscale analysis for quantum system and applications”, Roma, October 2007.
- member of the scientific committee of SCEE  (Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering) 2008 (Helsinki), 2010 (Tolouse),  2012 (Zurich), 2014 (Wuppertal).
- member of the organizing committe ECMI (European Consortium for Mathematics for Industry) 2014, Taormina, Italy
- member of the organizing committe SIMAI (Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale) 2014, Taormina , Italy
- Co-chair of the International Conference on Transport Theory, Taormina (Italy), September  2015 
- director of the following international schools:
  1) MOMINE08 (Modeling and optimization in micro and nano-electronics), 
      baia Samuele (Ragusa) Italy , June 2008, 
  2) MOMINE09, Cetraro, Italy, September 2009 (

Supervisor of PhD student

1. Salvatore La Rosa Hydrodynamical Models for Si Semiconductors Based on the Maximum Entropy Principle, Dottorato di Ricerca in Matematica per l'Ingegneria, Università degli studi di Catania, XX ciclo.
2. Nella Rotundo Coupling and thermal effetcs in semiconductor devices, Dottorato in Matematica Applicata all'ingegneria XXIII ciclo, Università degli studi di Catania.
3. Vito Dario Camiola, Subbands model for semiconductors based on the Maximum Entropy Principle, Dottorato in Matematica Applicata XXV ciclo, Università degli Studi di Catania;
4. Angelo Greco,  Optimization of homogeneous emitter and thin-film solar cells,  Dottorato in Matematica Applicata XXV ciclo, Università degli Studi di Catania;
5. Marco Coco, Monte Carlo study of charge and phonon transport in graphene, Dottorato in Matematica e Informatica XXX ciclo, sedi consorziate Università di Catania, Messina Palermo.
6. Silvia Licciardi, Umbral Calculus: a different mathematical language, Dottorato in Matematica e Informatica XXX ciclo, sedi consorziate Università di Catania, Messina Palermo (cosupervisor together with prof. Giuseppe Dattoli from ENEA, Rome).

Invited speakers at the following conferences

- New Trends in Fluid and Solid Models, Vietri sul Mare, febbraio 2018.
- PhHydro 2018, Palermo gennaio 2018;
- WIMMIA 2017, Roma;
- SEMODAY 20916, Florence, 2016;
- THERMOCON 2016, Messina, 2016;
- WASCOM 2015, Cetraro, 2015.
- WASCOM 2015, Cetraro, June 2015;
- JETC (Joint European Conference on Thermodynamics) 2013, Brescia, July 2013,
- TTMT, Berlin  December 2011;
- IPERME 2011,  Messina  February  2011;
- International workshop “Quantum systems and semiconductor devices: 
   Analysis, Simulations, Applications, April 2009, Beijing, China
- SEMIC2007, Wuppertal, February 2007
- NANOQ06, Politecnico di Milano, November 2006 
- SEMIC2006, TU Vienna, February 2006
- EMIC2005, Politecnico di Milano, February 2005

Editor activity

- associate editor of Journal of Theoretical and Computational Transport (2015)
- associate editor of Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics (2015)