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General Physics I

Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: SALVATORE PLUMARI

Expected Learning Outcomes

The student will acquire the basics for the understanding of classical mechanics, wave phenomena, fluid mechanics, thermal phenomena. Moreover, through exercises and problems to be solved in the classroom and at home, the student will be accustomed to solving concrete problems. The student who will have acquired the topics and methodologies of the course, will be able to face and solve problems of various kinds through a logical-scientific approach. 

In particular, the course proposes the following objectives:

Knowledge and ability to understand (knowledge & understanding): the student will be introduced to the basic knowledge of the laws of classical physics (mechanics, fluids and thermodynamics). The student will develop the ability to understand the most important physical phenomena related to the course program.

Applying knowledge & understanding: the student will be initiated to an application in practical fields of acquired knowledge, with continuous examples of applied physics for the understanding of the real world.

Making judgments: the student will be induced to a critical analysis of the level of knowledge acquired, pushing him to a self-assessment of his knowledge and skills, trying to develop an autonomy of judgment on the objectives achieved.

Communication skills: The interaction with the teacher and colleagues will be stimulated to increase students' communication skills.

Learning skills: Ability to learn the scientific concepts of Physics, necessary to undertake subsequent studies with a high degree of autonomy.

Course Structure

The teaching activity consists of lectures (49 hours) and exercises (24 hours) for a total of 9 ECTS (73 hours). The exercises provide for the resolution, both guided and autonomous, of tasks and exercises. Where possible, innovative teaching and learning strategies are used. 

Should the circumstances require online or blended teaching, appropriate modifications to what is hereby stated may be introduced, in order to achieve the main objectives of the course. 

Information for students with disabilities and/or SLD

In order to guarantee equal opportunities and in compliance with the laws in force, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, according to the educational objectives and specific needs.

It is also possible to contact the CInAP (Centro l'Integrazione Attiva e Partecipata - Servizi per le Disabilità e/o DSA) contact-person of the Department, Prof. Filippo Stanco

Required Prerequisites

basics of geometry, of vector algebra, of linear algebra, of trigonometry and knowledge of subjects of mathematical analysis (differential and integral calculus) are considered important for the course.

Attendance of Lessons

The attendance of the lectures is strongly recommended. 

Detailed Course Content

1. Physical quantities and units. The scientific method. Physical quantities and units. The International System (SI). Scientific notation. Dimensional issues. Fundamental and derived physical quantities. Scalars and vectors. Scalar and vector quantities. Vector algebra. Vector calculus: derivatives and integrals of vectors.

2. Kinematics. Speed, velocity, acceleration, and time dependence of motion. Straight and uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion. Vertical motion. Simple harmonic motion. Rectilinear motion exponentially damped. Motion in a plane: velocity and acceleration. Circular motion. Parabolic motion. Motions in space.

3. Dynamics of the material point: Newton's laws. Principle of inertia and the concept of force. Second and third Newton's law. impulse and momentum. Resulting force: binding reactions and equilibrium. Examples of forces: weight force, sliding friction force, viscous friction force, centripetal force, elastic force. Inclined plane. Simple pendulum. Wire tension. Reference systems. Relative speed and acceleration. Inertial reference systems. Galilean Relativity. Oscillating phenomena: oscillating systems, the harmonic oscillator, simple harmonic motion and its correlation with the uniform circular motion, damped harmonic motion, forced oscillations and resonance.

4. Dynamics of the material point: Work and energy. Work, power, and kinetic energy. The theorem of the kinetic energy. Examples of works done by forces. Conservative forces and potential energy. Non-conservative forces. Principle of conservation of mechanical energy. Relationship between force and potential energy. Angular momentum. Torque. Central forces.

5. Dynamics of systems of material points and rigid body.  Systems of points. Internal and external forces. Center of mass and its properties. Principle of conservation of the momentum. Principle of conservation of the angular momentum. The König theorems. Theorem of the kinetic energy. Collisions. Definition of rigid body and its properties. Motion of a rigid body. Continuous bodies, density, and the position of the center of mass. Rigid rotations around an axis in an inertial reference system. Rotational energy and work. Moment of inertia. Huygens-Steiner's theorem. Compound pendulum. Pure rolling motion. Energy conservation in the motion of a rigid body. Rolling friction.

6. Gravitation. Kepler's laws. The Universal Gravitation Law. Inertial mass and gravitational mass. Gravitational field and gravitational potential energy.

7.  Wave phenomena: mechanical waves, wave classification, moving waves, propagation along a tight rope, wave equation, energy, superposition principle. Acoustic waves.

8. Fluid mechanics: definition and classification of fluids, static of fluids, pressure of a fluid, fluids in quiet subject to gravity: Stevino's law, Archimedes' thrust. Dynamics of ideal fluids in stationary motion, definition of line and flow tube, Bernoulli's theorem.

9.Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic systems and states. Thermodynamic equilibrium and the Principle of Thermal Equilibrium. Temperature and thermometers. Equivalence of work and heat: Joule's experiments. First Principle of Thermodynamics. Internal energy. Thermodynamic transformations Work and heat. Calorimetry. Heat transmission. Laws of Boyle-Mariotte, Charles and Gay-Lussac. Law of the ideal gas. Equation of state of the ideal gas. Transformations of a gas. Work. Specific heat and internal energy of the ideal gas. Analytical study of some transformations. Cyclic transformations. The Carnot cycle. Kinetic theory of gases. Equipartition of energy. Statements of the Second Principle of Thermodynamics. Reversibility and irreversibility. Carnot's theorem. Absolute thermodynamic temperature. Clausius theorem. Entropy state function. The principle of increasing entropy of the universe. Entropy variations' calculations. The entropy of the ideal gas.

Textbook Information

1) S. Focardi, I. Massa, A. Uguzzoni, M. Villa, Fisica Generale-Meccanica e Termodinamica – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana - II edizione. 

2) P. Mazzoldi, M. Nigro, C. Voci, Fisica – Volume I - EdiSES - Seconda Edizione. 

3) D. Sette, A. Alippi, A. Bettucci, Lezioni di Fisica 1- Meccanica Termodinamica – Zanichelli -Seconda edizione.

4) D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker, Fondamenti di fisica - Meccanica, Onde, Termodinamica - Ottava edizione italiana - Casa editrice ambrosiana. Distribuzione esclusiva Zanichelli 2023 

Text for exercises and problems related to topics of the program

- M. Zani, L. Duò, P. Taroni, Esercizi di Fisica- Meccanica e Termodinamica - EdiSES

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Physical quantities and units (5 hours)Book 1: Chap.1-2;Book 2: Appendix B-C
2Kinematics (10 hours)Book 1: Chap.3;Book 2: Chap.1
3Dynamics of the material point: Newton's laws (10 hours)Book 1: Chap.4-5;Book 2: Chap.2-3
4Dynamics of the material point: Work and energy (8 hours)Book 1: Chap.6;Book 2: Chap.2-3
5Dynamics of systems of material points and rigid body (10 hours)Book 1: Chap.7-8;Book 2: Chap.4 and 6
6Gravitation (4 hours)Book 1: Chap.9;Book 2: Chap.5
7Wave phenomena (4 hours)Book 1: Chap.11;Book 2: Chap.9
8Fluid mechanics (6 hours)Book 1: Chap.10; Book 2: Chap.8
9Thermodynamics (16 hours)Book 1: Chap.12-14;Book 2: Chap.10-12

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam consists of written and oral tests. Admission to the written test is subject to booking on the Student Portal platform. For each session, a precise range of dates is published in which it is possible to book.  At the end of the written test, the test is published on STUDIUM, in order to encourage a self-assessment process of the test. The results of the tests will be published on STUDIUM.

- Ongoing tests.There are two ongoing tests of 1 hour each, the first scheduled during the teaching break and the second after the end of the course. The first ongoing test consists of solving 2 problems relating to the topics of the course explained before the teaching break. The second ongoing test consists of solving 2 problems relating to the topics of the course explained after the teaching break. The resolution of each problem is assigned a score between 0 and 7.5. If the overall score obtained in the two ongoing tests is equal to or greater than 18/30, it is possible to take the oral test directly in one of the sessions of first exam session. If the overall score achieved in the two ongoing tests is less than 18/30, it is not recommended to take the oral test. However, being discouraged is not equivalent to a formal ban on taking the oral exam. However, this must be taken in one of the sessions of the first exam sessions for current students.

- Written tests. The written test must be taken in one of the exam sessions provided. Typology: resolution, justified and clearly commented, of four problems, the level of difficulty is like the exercises discussed in the classroom. Duration: 120 minutes. Evaluation: from 0 to 7.5 points for each problem solved. The final mark will consider: the completeness of the description of the Physical and Mathematical Model used for the solution, the correctness of the mathematical treatment and the correctness of the result, both from a numerical and dimensional point of view. Each written test is considered passed if you have achieved a grade of not less than 18/30 with a grade of less than 18/30 you are not advised to take the oral exam. However, being discouraged from taking the oral exam is not equivalent to a formal ban on taking the oral exam.


For written tests: i) During the written tests only pen, pencil and calculator are allowed. Books, formulary, mobile phones, discussions between colleagues are not allowed.


- Oral exam. The oral exam consists in the discussion of at least three distinct topics of the program, the first of which is chosen by the student. During the oral exam, the proof of theorems and important results included in the program may be required with numerical evaluations of the order of magnitude of the physical quantities involved in a given phenomenon. For the evaluation, the following aspects are taken into account: the relevance of the answers, the level of analysis, the ability to connect different topics of the course, the ability to report examples, the correct use of formal tools, language properties and clarity of presentation.

Final grades will be assigned considering the following criteria:

Rejected: Basic knowledges have not been acquired. The student is not able to solve simple exercises.

18-23: Basic knowledges have been acquired. The student solves simple exercises and has sufficient communications skills and making judgements.

24-27: All the knowledges have been acquired. The student solves all the proposed exercises making few errors and has good communications skills and making judgements.

28-30 cum laude: All the knowledges have been completely acquired. The student applies knowledge and has excellent communications skills, learning skills and making judgements.

Information for students with disabilities and/or SLD

In order to guarantee equal opportunities and in compliance with the laws in force, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, according to the educational objectives and specific needs.It is also possible to contact the CInAP (Centro l'Integrazione Attiva e Partecipata - Servizi per le Disabilità e/o DSA) contact-person of the Department, Prof. Filippo Stanco

Should the circumstances require online or blended teaching, appropriate modifications to what is hereby stated may be introduced, in order to achieve the main objectives of the course.

Exams may take place online, depending on circumstances.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

The questions asked during the oral exam will be related to the topics of the program. For example:

"State and demonstrate the principle of conservation of mechanical energy"

"Show that a central force is conservative"

"Discuss Newton's laws of dynamics"

"Demonstrate the principle of conservation of momentum"

"Discuss the dynamics of a rigid body: degrees of freedom, equations of motion,

conservation laws"

"Discuss about the thermodynamic equilibrium and the principle of thermal equilibrium"

"Discuss the statements of the second law of thermodynamics and prove their equivalence"