Seminario - An overview on PRINC domains

il giorno 4 dicembre alle ore 15,30 in aula Anile
la Dott.ssa Laura Cossu (Universita' di Padova)
terra un seminario dal titolo:

An overview on PRINC domains

Abstract: The notion of PRINC domain, due to Salce and Zanardo (2014),
has its roots in the investigation of the products of idempotent
matrices over commutative domains. The original definition is
equivalent to the following one:
a PRINC domain is an integral domain in which every two-generated
invertible ideal is principal.

In this seminar we will give an overview of the main properties of
PRINC domains. In particular, we will focus on their relation with the
(unique) comaximal factorization domains (Mc Adams and Swan (2004)).
Examples and construction techniques of PRINC domains will be also