Seminario - Optimization for Social Good

Venerdì 21 Gennaio alle ore 11:00 la prof.ssa Helena Ramalhinho
Lourenço, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, terrà un seminario
online dal titolo "Optimization for Social Good".

Il seminario, della durata di 1h, si svolgerà tramite piattaforma
Teams ed è aperto a tutti gli interessati utilizzando il link sotto


*Title*: Optimization for Social Good

Analytics focuses on transforming data into insights by applying
advanced analytical method, based on mathematics, statistics,
operations research and artificial intelligent models and algorithms,
with the objective to improve the performance of an organization. One
of the main tools in Analytics is Optimization. In this talk, we
present the optimization tools and methodologies applied to NonProfit
Organizations (NPO). We will describe applications of Mathematical
Programming Models and Metaheuristics Algorithms to Social Care,
Healthcare, Humanitarian Logistics and Environmental organizations.
Examples of applications of Optimization in these organizations are:
home health care logistics and scheduling; location of the primary
health care centers or schools; planning the humanitarian aid
distribution; planning a sustainable transportation, etc. We will
discuss also the main aspects of these models and algorithms, and the
main differences to other more frequent applications, as in
manufacturing and retailing industries.

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