Seminario - Integer-valued polynomials on DVRs of global fields with prescribed lengths of factorizations

domani 6 Ottobre alle ore 15 in Aula 2 riprendono i seminari di Algebra. I prossimi speaker saranno il Dott. Victor Fadinger (University of Graz) e il Dott. Daniel Windisch (TU Graz). Di seguito trovate titoli e abstract dei seminari. 

Integer-valued polynomials on DVRs of global fields
with prescribed lengths of factorizations

Let V be a discrete valuation domain whose quotient field K is a 
global field.
We show that for all positive integers k and 1 < n_1 \leq \ldots \leq n_k
there exists an integer-valued polynomial on V, that is, an element of
{\rm Int}(V) = \{ f \in K[X] \mid f(V) \subseteq V \},
which has precisely k essentially different factorizations into
irreducible elements of {\rm Int}(V) whose lengths are exactly n_1,\ldots,n_k.
This solves an open problem proposed by Cahen, Fontana, Frisch and 
Glaz in this case.