Seminario - Educational Timetabling: Problems, Algorithms, Benchmarks, Software Tools, and Practical Issues

Venerdì 16 Aprile alle ore 15:30 il prof. Andrea Schaerf, Ordinario presso l'Università di Udine, terrà un seminario online tramite la piattaforma Teams per la durata orientativa di 1h.
Il seminario è aperto a tutti utilizzando il link sotto riportato.

Title: "Educational Timetabling: Problems, Algorithms, Benchmarks, Software Tools, and Practical Issues"

Summary: University timetabling problems consist in scheduling a sequence of events (lectures, seminars, or exams) between teachers and students in a prefixed period of time, satisfying a set of constraints of various types.  In this talk, we critically review different formulations, search methods, public datasets, and software tools available for the solution and the management of timetabling problems. We will also discuss, practical issues involved in the actual solution of timetabling problems in the context of Italian universities.

Speaker CV: Andrea Schaerf received his master degree cum laude in Electrical Engineering in 1990 and his PhD in Computer Science in 1994 from University of Rome "La Sapienza". During his studies, he spent one year at Stanford University (California, U.S.A.) under the supervision of Y. Shoham. After graduating, he was supported for one year by a scholarship from CNR, and successively he spent one year at CWI in Amsterdam under the supervision of K. Apt, supported by a fellowship
by ERCIM. From 1996 to 1998 he has been Assistant Professor at University of Rome "La Sapienza". From 1998 to 2005 he has been Associate Professor at University of Udine, where, starting November 2005, he is Full Professor. Starting February 2015 he is the Head of the Bachelor and Master Programs in Management Engineering at University of Udine. His main research interest is in algorithms, specification languages, and software tools for scheduling and timetabling problems."

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