Seminario - Algebraic and arithmetic results regarding monoid algebras

domani 6 Ottobre alle ore 15 in Aula 2 riprendono i seminari di Algebra. I prossimi speaker saranno il Dott. Victor Fadinger (University of Graz) e il Dott. Daniel Windisch (TU Graz). Di seguito trovate titoli e abstract dei seminari. 

Ore 16: Daniel Windisch

Algebraic and arithmetic results regarding monoid algebras

This talk will survey monoid algebras and the outcome of a
series of joint papers with Victor Fadinger (and partly
Gyu Wang Chang) concerning this topic.
Its main focus will lie on class groups and the distribution
of prime divisors in the classes as well as generalizations of the
property of being a Krull domain. These results will then culminate
in statements about the arithmetic of affine monoid algebras.