Seminario - A Quantum Leap in Evolutionary Computation

Venerdì 18 Marzo alle ore 15:30, tra le attività organizzate dal gruppo di ricerca Complex Intelligent Systems, il prof. Giovanni Acampora, Ordinario del Dipartimento di Fisica "Ettore Pancini" dell'Università di Napoli "Federico II", terrà un seminario online daltitolo "A Quantum Leap in Evolutionary Computation".

Il seminario, della durata di 1h, si svolgerà tramite piattaforma Teams ed è aperto a tutti gli interessati utilizzando il link sotto riportato.


Title: A Quantum Leap in Evolutionary Computation

The world of computing is going to shift towards new paradigms able to
provide better performance in solving hard problems than classical
computation. In this scenario, quantum computing is assuming a key
role thanks to the recent technological enhancements achieved by
several big companies in developing computational devices based on
fundamental principles of quantum mechanics: superposition,
entanglement, and interference. These computers will be able to yield
performance never seen before in several application domains, and the
area of bio-inspired optimization may be the one most affected by this
revolution. Indeed, on the one hand, the intrinsic parallelism
provided by quantum computers could support the design of efficient
algorithms for evolutionary computation by enabling the definition of
novel concepts such as quantum chromosomes, entangled crossover, and
quantum elitism; on the other hand, evolutionary algorithms could be
used to reduce the effect of decoherence in quantum computation and
make this more reliable. This talk aims at introducing the attendees
with this new research area and pave the way towards the design of
innovative computing infrastructure where both quantum computing and
evolutionary computation take a key role in overcoming the performance
of conventional approaches.

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