Seminario Studenti - Forecasting Volcanic Hazards

Nell'ambito delle attivita'  del comitato di indirizzo  dei corsi di Laurea Triennale e Magistrale in Matematica, il giorno 11 Giugno 2021 alle 15:00 il prof. Del Negro terra' un seminario dal titolo: Forecasting Volcanic Hazards

Abstract: Volcanic eruptions are characterized by multiple hazards that must each be recognized and assessed in order to mitigate their impacts. Quantifying volcanic hazards by combining satellite data and numerical modelling finds immediate application to the real-time monitoring of eruptive events. By monitoring, we mean here both following the manifestations of the eruption once it has started, as well as forecasting the areas potentially threatened by hazardous phenomena producing different scenarios as eruptive conditions change. Real-time monitoring and modelling of hazardous phenomena are powerful tools also to assess and mitigate the associated impacts. Today a satellite-driven modelling strategy able to give during an eruption the current state of the activity, the probable evolution of hazardous phenomena and the potential impact scenario is realistic. Effective ways to integrate remote sensing observations and numerical models for a reliable assessment of lava flow hazards and their impacts, particularly during on-going eruptions, will be discussed.

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