Presentazione Tesi di Dottorato

On Tuesday February 23rd, starting at 9:30, in front of the committee formed by professors (in alphabetical order): 
Samuele Antonini, Università di Pavia, (Math education)
Giorgio Bolondi, Università di Bolzano, (Math education)
Pedro A. Garcia Sanchez, Universidad de Granada, (Algebra)
the following PhD candidates will defend their thesis:
Miglena Asenova 
    Definizione categoriale di oggetto matematico in didattica della matematica, advisor Prof. Cinzia Cerroni, University of Palermo,  
Nicola Maugeri
    Good semigroups, advisor Prof. Marco D’Anna, University of Catania.

The final exam will take place on line through the MS Teams platform at the following link:


Whoever is interested is invited to attend.