Workshop - Cybersecuritytians exceed nerds

Nell'ambito delle iniziative del Nodo UniCT del CINI Cybersecurity Lab, il 9 dicembre pomeriggio si tiene in remoto l'edizione 2020 del Workshop on Security Frameworks (WSF)
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WSF20 - The 2020 Workshop on Security Frameworks
"Cybersecuritytians exceed nerds"
No, we Cybersecuritytians have not given up on our rooted quest to tamper with computers and try and twist the science behind them. Rather, we have grown aware that making computers "secure" demands us to come to terms also with everything *around* our exciting devices. The villains will insinuate precisely where sysadmins may have overlooked something, or have been lazy ignoring an unsafe (maybe just one!) default configuration. And insider threats are not necessarily traitors who want to blow up their own company, rather, they may have just been dull enough to click on that link! Because such a "human factor" is clearly huge, we Cybersecuritytians are bound to be more than just the nerds of breaking and fixing, as we must understand a hell of a lot about how computers are "seen" and interacted with - by all sorts of users. All this because secure communications acknowledging human interaction are daunting and, more in general, establishing a cybersecurity culture is the biggest challenge ahead. So, we must be really bright and take up every possible tool that will serve our aims, including personality and behavioral assessment during awareness training campaigns. We must also team up with the lawyers, who feel weary through their assessment of the legitimacy of data processing in recent ICT applications involving digital twins. Meanwhile, even purely technical issues, such as how to get distance bounding protocols to work and be robust, continue to materialise through our nightmares. Toughest life for toughest people, easy.