Seminario - Building the leading company in Health and Well-being: An introduction into Philips Research
Il giorno 27 aprile, alle ore 17, in aula 128, Sergio Consoli, Senior Scientist del Data Science Department del Philips Research, Eindhoven, terrà un seminario dal titolo “Building the leading company in Health and Well-being: An introduction into Philips Research”.
L’attività si inquadra nelle recenti collaborazioni di ricerca istaurate con l’azienda e ricade all'interno delle attività del corso di Machine Learning – Corso di Laurea in Informatica Magistrale. Il seminario è aperto a tutti e sarà di carattere divulgativo. In calce maggiori informazioni sullo speaker e sul seminario.
Philips Research is a global organization that helps Philips introduce meaningful innovations that improve people’s lives. It provides technology options for innovations in the area of Health and Well-being, targeted at both developed and emerging markets. Positioned at the front-end of the innovation process, Philips Research works on everything from spotting trends and ideation to proof of concept and – where needed – first-of-a-kind product development.
The speaker, Sergio Consoli, Ph.D., is a Senior Scientist within the Data Science Department at Philips Research, Eindhoven, focusing on advancing automated analytical methods used to extract new knowledge from data for HealthTech applications. He holds a Ph.D. in Operations Research from Brunel University, London (2005-2008), and in past professional experiences he worked for the technical support services team of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers in Rome (2015), within the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies at the National Research Council of Italy (2013-2014), and at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (2011-2013), among others.
In his talk, Sergio will first provide an overview of Philips Research and the ongoing activities that are making the difference in HealthTech. He will then describe some examples of meaningful innovations in advanced machine learning and data science from some of the research activities he is involved directly.