Seminario - Building a new form of Word Embeddings using social ontological relations for legal relations disambiguation

Nell'ambito delle attività del nodo UniCT del CINI Cybersecurity Lab, il Dr Ahmed Izziedin della University of Cambridge (UK) terrà il seminario:
"Building a new form of Word Embeddings using social ontological relations for legal relations disambiguation"
30 aprile ore 10:00-11:00 sulla piattaforma Teams (link a seguire su invito per calendario)

Siete invitati.

Giampaolo Bella
Dr Ahmed Izzidien is a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the University of Cambridge, UK. His area of research is in artificial intelligence - machine learning for social values. He is also a Research Associate at Hughes Hall at Cambridge. He is the recipient of a Horizon 2020 - NGI Trust Award, an EPSRC & CASE Award (PhD) and EPSRC Award (MSc). He has held posts at Harvard University(Social Cognition Lab, Department of Psychology), the University of Cambridge (Social Decision-Making lab, Department of Psychology, and the Cambridge Forum for Legal and Political Philosophy, Faculty of Law). He graduated with a BEng(Hons) from King's College (University of London), an MSc from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, an MA in legal philosophy co-supervised at UCLA, a Master of Philosophy from the University of Cambridge (a collaboration between the Dept. of Clinical Neurosciences and Faculty of Divinity) and a PhD from Cardiff University. His interests include using AI for policy and legal reasoning using NLP, social de-polarisation and legal philosophy (legal rights & duties assignment using machine learning).