Seminario - Artinian quotients having Lefschetz property

Il 10 Aprile, alle ore 16,15, in aula Anile, il Prof. Yong-Su Shin, (Sungshin Women's University - Seoul, South Korea) terra' un seminario dal titolo:
"Artinian quotients having Lefschetz property"

Abstract: We will introduce Artinian (Gorenstein) quotients having the weak Lefschetz property or the strong Lefschetz property.
(a) If I is the sum of two ideals of linear star configurations, then the Artinian quotient R/I has the weak Lefschetz property.
(b) If I is the sum of two ideals of points  in the projective space whose union is the complete intersection, then the Artinian Gorenstein quotient has the weak Lefschetz property.
In particular, we shall introduce some of them has the strong Lefschetz property.