Sebastiano BOSCARINO

Associate Professor of Numerical analysis [MATH-05/A]

Sebastiano Boscarino is associate professor of Numerical Analysis (MAT/08) at the department of Mathematics and Computer science, University of Catania.

Short Curriculum:

Personal data
Born in Leno (BS), Italy, on November 16, 1975.

Present position: Associate Professor at the University of Catania, Italy.

Office: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Catania
Viale Andrea Doria 6
95125 Catania, Italy
Tel.: +39-095-7383032
Fax: +39-095-330094

Educational background:
2003-2006 Ph.D. in Applied Mathemetics, University of Catania, Italy. Title of the Thesis: "On the Uniform Accuracy of Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods" Advisor: Prof. Giovanni Russo.

2001 SISSIS (Scuola di Specializzazione per l’insegnamento secondario)-A049 Matematica e Fisica.

1995-2001 Laurea degree in Mathematics,  University of Catania, Italy
Research interests

Scientific activity
•    Numerical methods for conservation laws.
•    Numerical methods for stiff problems.
•    Numerical methods for hyperbolic system with relaxation term.

• Numerical methods  for kinetic problems.

• Semi-Lagrangian methods for kinetic problems.

 Experience abroad:

2016 (Febbrary 20th to March 18th), dott. Boscarino has been invited by Prof. Jingmei Qiu, to visit the department of Mathematics at the University of Houston, Texas and collaborate with the Prof. Qiu.

2016 (August 16th to September 5th), dott. Boscarino has been invited by Prof. Seok-Bae Yun, to visit the department of Mathematics at Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Soul (South Korea)  and collaborate with the Prof. Yun.

• 2018 (July 20th to July 28th) as visiting professor to ICERM institute, Brown Univerity, Prvidencs (Rhode Island), USA.

2018 (July 20th to August 16th), dott. Boscarino has been invited by Prof. Jingmei Qiu to visit the department of Mathematical Sciences at  the University of Delaware (DE, USA) for collaboration on a joint research.

Coordinator of research projects:

• Dott. Boscarino S. was the COORDINATOR OF THE RESEARCH PROJECT: "Sviluppo e analisi di metodi alle differenze finite per equazioni
alle derivate parziali e applicazioni, Piano triennale della ricerca 2016-2018" of the department of mathematics and computer science, University of di Catania.

• 2017-2018 National Coordinator of THE RESEARCH PROJECT: "Metodi numerici per equazioni iperboliche e cinetiche e applicazioni.", INDAM-GNCS 2017.

•2009 ccientific responsible of Project "Giovani Ricercatori", supported by GNCS (Gruppo Nazionale per il calcolo scientifico).

Research Projects (from 2016 to 2023):
• From 2014  to 2016 European Project MODCLIM (Modeling Clinic for Industrial Mathematics) local scientific coordinator for Catania University: prof. Givanni Russo.

• 2016 Europian project MODCOMPSHOK coordinator prof. Giovanni Russo, university of Catania.

• 2019 National Project (PRIN 2017) “Innovative numerical methods for evolutionary partial differential equations and applications” national coordinator Prof.Giovanni Russo, University of Catania.

•  National Project PRIN 2022 "Advanced numerical methods for time dependent parametric partial differential euqations and applications", national coordinator Prof.Giovanni Russo, University of Catania..

•  National Project PRIN 2022 "“FIN4GEO: Forward and Inverse Numerical Modeling of hydrothermal systems in volcanic regions with application to geothermal energy exploitation",national coordinator Prof.Armando Coco, University of Catania.

Organizzation of international events (2018-2023):

Dr. Boscarino S. was a  member of the Scientific committee for the organization of the event "Conference on Numerical Aspects of Hyperbolic Balance Laws and Related Problems", Università di Ferrara, Italy, April 16-20, 2018.

Dr. Boscarino S. was one of the organizers with dott. Giuseppe Izzo, Federico II University of Napoli, of the minisymposium: "Implicit-Explicit methods for differential systems" per SCICADE 2019 Innsbruck, 22-26 Luglio 2019.

Dr. Boscarino S. was a  member of the Scientific committee and organizing comittee for the organization of the workshop: "Efficient high-order time discretization methods for PDEs", Capri, Italy, May 8-10, 2019,

 Dr. Boscarino S.  was one of the organizers of the minisymposium: " Recent advances in numerical methods for evolutionary partial differential equations " at ICIAM 2019 "International congress on industrial and applied mathematics", Valencia, 15-19 Luyglio 2019.

 Dr Boscarino S.together with the colleagues Giuseppe Izzo (Università degli studi Fecerico II di Napoli) and (Zdzislaw Jackiewicz Arizona State University) has been invited from the scientific commitee of SCICADE 2021, Reykjavík, Iceland, July 26-30, 2021, to organize a minisymposium to the section: "Invited Mini-Symposia".

Dr. Boscarino S. was a  member of the Scientific committee and organizing comittee for the organization of the workshop: "Efficient high-order time discretization methods for PDEs", Capri, Italy, May 11-13, 2022,

•  Dr. Boscarino S. was a  member of the Scientific committee and organizing comittee for the organization of the workshop: "Innovative numerical methods for evolutionary partial differential equations and applications", February 20-22 2023, Catania, Italy.

Dr. Boscarino S. was a  member of the Scientific committee and organizing comittee for the organization of the workshop: T"Advances in numerical methods for evolutionary PDEs and applications" at the 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2023) is held on August 20th to August 25th, 2023 at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.

Dr. Boscarino S. was a  member of the Scientific committee and organizing comittee with the professors: Eleonora Messina, Jie Shen ed Giuseppe Izzo del Workshop  for the organization of the workshop: "RECENT TRENDS IN NUMERICAL METHODS FOR EVOLUTIONARY PROBLEMS", at the "21th IMACS 2023 World Congress, International Association for Mathematics and Computers and Simulations"  University of Rome 'La Sapienza, September 11, 2023 – September 15, 2023, Rome.

Conferences (2018-2024)

•Scientific Comunication of the title: "All Mach number second order Semi-Implicit scheme for the Euler Equations of Gas Dynamics" National cooference INdAM-GNCS 2017, in Montecatini Terme (Pistoia), Febbraio 14-16, 2018.

• Scientific Comunication of the title: " High Order Conservative Semi-lagrangian Scheme for the Bgk Model of the Boltzmann Equation" to the minisymposium "High order numerical methods for hyperbolic problems with emphasis on applications", ICOSAHOM 2018, London 9-13th July 2018.

Invited speaker to the workshop "High-order structure preserving numerical methods: Algorithms, Analysis and Applications" with the scientific comunucation: " All-Mach Number High Order Semi-implicit IMEX Schemes for the Euler Equations of Gas Dynamics ", Sanya,  Cina, 14-01-2019 -- 18-01-2019.

•Scientific comunication: " Semi-implicit schemes for the Euler Equation of gas Dynamics" to the workshop "Numerical methods for multiscale control problems and applications", Verona, 7-8 Febbraio 2019.

•Comunication  to the minisimposium: "Multiscale and stochastic numerical methods for hyperbolic conservation laws" with the comunication: " All-Mach Number High Order Semi-implicit IMEX Schemes for the Euler Equations of Gas Dynamics ", alla conferenza ICIAM 2019,  Valencia, 15-07-2019 -- 19-07-2019.

•Scientific Comunicarion: " A Unified IMEX Runge-Kutta Approach to hyperbolic systems with Multiscale Relaxations" to conference SCIDADE 2019, Innsbruck, 22-26 Luglio 2019.

•Invited speaker to the workshop "High-order structure preserving numerical methods: Algorithms, Analysis and Applications" with the scientific comunucation: " All-Mach Number High Order Semi-implicit IMEX Schemes for the Euler Equations of Gas Dynamics ", Sanya, Cina, 14-01-2019 -- 18-01-2019.

•Scientific comunication: " Semi-implicit schemes for the Euler Equation of gas Dynamics" to the workshop "Numerical methods for multiscale control problems and applications", Verona, 7-8 Febbraio 2019.

•Comunication to the minisimposium: "Multiscale and stochastic numerical methods for hyperbolic conservation laws" with the comunication: " All-Mach Number High Order Semi-implicit IMEX Schemes for the Euler Equations of Gas Dynamics ", alla conferenza ICIAM 2019, Valencia, 15- 07-2019 -- 19-07-2019.

•Scientific comunication: " A Unified IMEX Runge-Kutta Approach to hyperbolic systems with Multiscale Relaxations" conference SCIDADE 2019, Innsbruck, 22-26 Luglio 2019.

PLENARY SPEAKER to the conference: "Conference on the Numerical Solution of Differential and Differential-Algebraic Equations" (NUMDIFF-16), 4 - 10 Sept. 2021, presso Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany). Link della conferenza: https://sim.mathematik.uni-

INVITED SPEAKER to the minisimposium "Numerical Advances in Differential Equations", conference FAATNA20 “Functional Analysis, Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis”, Matera, Italy, dal 5 al 8 luglio 2022.

INVITED SPEAKER to the conference: "Go20 Conference on Scientific Computing and Software", Gozo, Malta, Maggio 22-26, 2023. Link della conferenza:

•  INVITED SPEAKER to the conference: "Nimerical Aspects of Hyperbolic Balance Laws and Related Problems", Cortona, Italy, Giugno 19-23 2023. Link della conferenza:

Comunication to the minisimposium: "Advances in numerical methods for evolutionary PDEs and applications", with the comunication "High-Order Semi-implicit Schemes for Evolutionary Partial Differential Equations with Higher Order Derivatives" to the "10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2023)"  on August 20th to August 25th, 2023 at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.

•  INVITED SPEAKER to the conference INDAM "Workshop: Innovations in the Numerical Treatmentof Stiff Differential Equations" (, February, 19th - 23rd, 2024, Rome, Italy

•  INVITED SPEAKER at Workshop: "Hyperbolic Balance Laws: Interplay between Scales and Randomness", at Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 25 February - 1 March 2024, Germany.

 Some Pubblications: 2018-2024

SEBASTIANO BOSCARINO, JING-MEI QIU, GIOVANNI RUSSO (2018).Implicit-Explicit Integral deferred correction methods for stiff problems” SIAM JOURNAL ON SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING, vol. 40, p. A787-A816, ISSN: 1064-8275, doi: 10.1137/16M1105232

Boscarino S., Russo G., Scandurra L. (2018). All Mach Number Second Order Semi-implicit Scheme for the Euler Equations of Gas Dynamics. JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING, ISSN: 0885-7474, doi: 10.1007/s10915-018-0731-9.

Boscarino S., Qiu J. , Russo G., Tao X. (2019): "A high order semi-implicit IMEX WENO scheme for the all-Mach isentropic Euler system". Journal of computational physics, vol. 392, pp. 594-618, 2019, ISNN:0021-991, DOI:10.1016/

Boscarino S. Cho S. Y. Russo G. Yun S-B. (2020): "Conservative Semi-Lagrangian Scheme for the BGK model of the Boltzmann Equation", In Communications in Computational Physics DOI:10.4208/cicp.OA-2020-0050.  - ISSN:1815-2406,  Commun. Comput. Phys., Vol. 29, n.1, (2021), pp. 1-56.

S. Boscarino, X. Cai, J. M. Qiu (2021):  "High Order Semi-Lagrangian Discontinuous Galerkin Method Coupled with Runge-Kutta Exponential Integrators for Nonlinear Vlasov Dynamics", Journal Of Computational Physics, DOI:10.1016/  Vol. 427 n. articolo 110036.

Boscarino S. Cho S. Y. Russo G. Yun S-B. (2021). Conservative semi-Lagrangian schemes for kinetic equations Part I: Reconstruction, DOI:10.1016/ JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSISCS Vol. 432

Boscarino S. Cho S. Y. Russo G. Yun S-B. (2021). Conservative semi-Lagrangian schemes for kinetic equations Part II: Applications,  Journal of Computational Physics 436 (2021) 110281,

Boscarino S. Cho S. Y., M. Groppi, Russo G. (2021): BGK MODELS FOR INERT MIXTURES: COMPARISON AND APPLICATIONS,  Kinetic and Related Models, Volume 14, Number 5, October 2021.


Sciences, 2022, 20(3), pp. 695–725

Boscarino S. Cho S. Y. (2022): On the order reduction of semi-Lagrangian methods for BGK model of Boltzmann equation, Applied Mathematics Letters 123 (2022) 107488,

Boscarino S. Cho S. Y., Russo G. (2022): "A local velocity grid conservative semi-lagrangian schemes for BGK model", Journal of Computational Physicc, 2022, 460, 111178

Boscarino S. Cho S. Y. Russo G. Yun S-B. (2022). "Cobergence of a semi-Lagrangian scheme for the ellipsoidal BGK model for polyatomic moleculesESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 2022, 56(3), pp. 893–942

Boscarino S., Qiu J. , Russo G., Tao X. (2022): "High order semi-implicit WENO schemes for all-Mach full Euler System of Gas Dynamics" SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2022, 44(2), pp. B368–B394

I Gómez-Bueno, S Boscarino, MJ Castro, C Parés, G Russo (2023): "Implicit and semi-implicit well-balances finite-volume methods for systems of balance laws", Applied Numerical Mathematics 184, 18-48

Boscarino S., (2023): "High-Order Semi-implicit Schemes for Evolutionary Partial Differential Equations with Higher Order Derivatives", J Sci Comput 96, 11 (2023).

Boscarino S, Cho S. Y. Russo G .(2024) "A conservative semi-Lagrangian method for inhomogeneous Boltzmann equation", J Sci Comput, Vol 498, (2024)

Boscarino S, and Russo G. (2024) "Asymptotic preserving methods for quasilinear hyperbolic systems with stiff relaxation: a review", SeMA 81, 3–49 (2024).

Guanlan Huang, Sebastiano Boscarino Tao Xiong (2024):  "High Order Asymptotic Preserving and Well-Balanced Schemes for the Shallow Water Equations with Source Terms", Commun. Comput. Phys., 35 (2024), pp. 1229-1262. DOI: 10.4208/cicp.OA-2023-0274, 2024

Boscarino S. Macca E., (2024) "Semi-implicit-Type Order-Adaptive CAT2 Schemes for Systems of Balance Laws with Relaxed Source Term", Commun. Appl. Math. Comput. (2024)., 2024.

Boscarino S, Pareschi L. and Russo G. (2025) BOOK: "Implicit-Explicit Methods for Evolutionary Partial Differential Equations", SIAM Publications Library,


Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

Scientific activity
•    Numerical methods for conservation laws.
•    Numerical methods for stiff problems.
•    Numerical methods for hyperbolic system with relaxation term.

• Numerical methods  for kinetic problems.

• Semi-Lagrangian methods for kinetic problems.

• Referee of some internetional journals:

1. SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing
2. Journal Calcolo
3. Journal of Computational Physics
4. SIAM Computational Methods in Science and Engineering section of SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
5. Journal of Scientific Computing
6.  SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (SINUM)
7. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

8. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations