Fixed-term Assistant Professor (RTDA) of Informatics [INFO-01/A]

Prof. Ing. Andrea Calvagna graduated cum laude in Computer Engineering in 1998 at the University of Catania (IT), and received a Computer Engineering Ph.D. from the University of Palermo (IT) in 2002. His main research interests have been related to computer science and in particular software engineering, where he contributed to a number of academic research projects as fellow at the Computer Engineering department and at the Computer Science department at the University of Catania, autoring about fifty peer-reviewed research papers and book chapters, and contributed for several years to the organization of international research conference focused on software testing and validation. Furthermore, for about twentyfive years he has carried out extensive teaching activities in academic courses at the University of Catania. His latest research work has focused on blockchains theory and applications to support green energy communities. In 2023 he also spent six months as visiting researcher collaborating with the HYCODEV research group at the University of Newcastle (UK) working of the automated design of safe and robust controllers for autonomous agents systems.

Prof. Ing. Andrea Calvagna graduated cum laude in Computer Engineering in 1998 at the University of Catania (IT), and received a Computer Engineering Ph.D. from the University of Palermo (IT) in 2002. His main research interests have been related to computer science and in particular software engineering, where he contributed to a number of academic research projects as fellow at the Computer Engineering department and at the Computer Science department at the University of Catania, autoring about fifty peer-reviewed research papers and book chapters, and contributed for several years to the organization of international research conference focused on software testing and validation. Furthermore, for about twentyfive years he has carried out extensive teaching activities in academic courses at the University of Catania. His latest research work has focused on blockchains theory and applications to support green energy communities. In 2023 he also spent six months as visiting researcher collaborating with the HYCODEV research group at the University of Newcastle (UK) working of the automated design of safe and robust controllers for autonomous agents systems.

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022