Academic Year 2018/2019 - 2° Year - Curriculum Sistemi di Rete e Sicurezza- Peer to peer and wireless networks: Salvatore Antonio RICCOBENE
- Laboratory of Peer to peer and wireless networks: Salvatore Antonio RICCOBENE
Taught classes: 36 hours
Exercise: 24 hours
Laboratories: 12 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
- Peer to peer and wireless networks
Knowledge and understanding: the aim of the course is to acquire advanced knowledge that allow the student to understand theoretical mechanisms which constite the base for a distributed communication protocol; in detail, the student will acquire knowledge of main P2P and wireless networks protocols.
Applying knowledge and understanding: student will acquire knowledge usefull to design a distributed coordination protocols specific for an Overlay Network, defining suitable feature to promote collaboration, optimizing , at the same time, the exploitation of the shared resources. For this reason, a part of the course will be held in laboratory, with lessons dedicated to the study of the NS2 simulator, in order to allow performance evaluation of a network protocol.
Making judgements: the study cases presented, based on real network protocols, will allow the student to discover limits and errors of their design; this will be the basis for autonomously developing of new solutions, going beyond restrictions due to scalability in distributed systems.
Communication skills: student will acquire advanced communication skills using technical language in the field of network protocols and distributed systems.
Learning skills: the course provides, to the student, teoretical and practical methodologies in order to deal with new problems that can rise during designing activity.
- Laboratory of Peer to peer and wireless networks
Knowledge and understanding: the aim of the course is to acquire advanced knowledge that allow the student to evaluate the performance of a distributed communication protocol.
Applying knowledge and understanding: student will acquire knowledge usefull to design a distributed coordination protocols specific for an Overlay Network, defining suitable feature to promote collaboration, optimizing , at the same time, the exploitation of the shared resources. For this reason, a part of the course will be held in laboratory, with lessons dedicated to the study of the NS2 simulator, in order to allow performance evaluation of a network protocol.
Making judgements: the study cases presented, based on real network protocols, will allow the student to discover limits and errors of their design; this will be the basis for autonomously developing of new solutions, going beyond restrictions due to scalability in distributed systems.
Communication skills: student will acquire advanced communication skills using technical language in the field of network protocols and distributed systems.
Learning skills: the course provides, to the student, teoretical and practical methodologies in order to evaluate new network protocols.
Course Structure
- Peer to peer and wireless networks
Classroom lessons
Laboratory lessons
- Laboratory of Peer to peer and wireless networks
Laboratory lessons
Practice exercises in laboratory
Detailed Course Content
- Peer to peer and wireless networks
Peer to Peer networks
typology: pure, hybrid,structured, DHT, hierarchical, decentralized
Case of study:- Napster
- Gnutella 0.4
- Edonkey, Gnutella 0.6, Gnutella 2 FastTrack, OpenFT
- Emule
- Freenet
- Chord, Pastry
Wireless network
Structured and AdHoc Networks
Phisical and virtual carrier sensing
IEEE 802.11
Routing protocols inMaNet: DSR, AODV, DSDV
TCP in wireless environment
Introduction to network simulations
Performance evaluation
The ns2 simulator - Laboratory of Peer to peer and wireless networks
Introduction to discrete-events simulations
Performance evaluation in a network
The NS2 simulator
Performance evaluation of a network connection using TCP Tahoe, TCP Reno, TCP new Reno
Simulations over a MaNET with NS2
Textbook Information
- Peer to peer and wireless networks
See "didactical material" into Studium
- Laboratory of Peer to peer and wireless networks
NS2 reference manual.