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Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: Rosa Maria PIDATELLA

Expected Learning Outcomes

 Knowledge and understanding: starting from a problem, the student will learn to investigate it using mathematical software.

- Applying knowledge and understanding: given its highly applied structure, the class will develop the ability to apply the acquired competences.

- Making judgements: the "answers" obtained with the software need to be critically analized. In many cases the raw data or the graphical representations need to be validated and understood.

- Communication skills: one of the main goals of the class is to organize material.

- Learning skills: the students will work in groups, also in case the lectures will be given online. In such a way the work load will appear not as tiring, and good students will learn how to explain facts while the less brilliant students will have the possibility of improving their performances.

Course Structure

The course will be given in a computer lab. The activities are of laboratorial type, with a first description of the argument followed by a work in front of a computer, with the possibility of working in groups, discussing with other students and the teacher. In case the lectures will be given online, the student will work with own pc.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Required Prerequisites

Contents of Algebra, Analisi, e Geometria.

Detailed Course Content

A part of the class will be dedicated to learning how to write mathematical manuscripts with LaTeX. The other part will be dedicated to the use of the computer to investigate mathematical problems and obtain answers in graphical form by two languages: Mathematica and Matlab both to obtain graphical representation of data and to solve scientific problems with numerical codes (Matlab) and symbolic ones (Mathematica). The graphical representations can be then used to write LaTex mathematical documents.

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Textbook Information

1. T. Oetiker, H. Partl, I. Hyna, E. Schlegl (1999). The not so short introduction to LaTeX. Retrieved from

2. G.Naldi, L.Pareschi Matlab: concetti e progetti Apogeo 2002

3. Notes of the teacher

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
11. LaTeX1
22. Matlab: calcolo di zeri di funzione, risoluzione di un sistema lineare, interpolazione polinomiale2
33. Mathematica: risoluzione di problemi algebrici e analitici in forma simbolica3

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The studente has to write, in the laboratory or online, a given short document in LaTeX and write a code in Mathematica and Matlab to solve a simple exercise.

The same test has to be done in case of telematic examination.