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Academic Year 2019/2020 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 18
Scientific field: MAT/05 - Mathematical analysis
Taught classes: 105 hours
Exercise: 36 hours
Term / Semester: 1° and 2°

Learning Objectives

  • MODULO 1

    The student will study the principal concepts and technics of Mathematical Analysis. In particular, the course objectives are:

    Knowledge and understanding: he student will acquire the main concepts of Mathematical Analysis and will be guided to link them to the concepts learned in Algebra, in General Topology or the concepts that he will study in Physics.He will learn the main techniques of Mathematical Analysis. In particular, he will study the concepts of inf and sup of a number set. of, sequences and series of real numbers. He will be introduced into the study of infinitesimal calculus for a real function of one variable. Some tasks will be entrusted to the most willing students who, thanks to group work or individual work, will be able to present them in short seminars.

    Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: the students will be led not only to learn pure concepts, but also to link them and to reflect on the structure properties (e.g. topological) that are the basis of the various topics studied. They can also improve their ability to use the acquired knowledge in other settings: for instance, the students will be invited to independently demonstrate results similar to those studied, and to carry out numerous exercises of application of the theories they have studied. This aspect will be assessed through exercises - both manipulative and demonstrative - that will be suggested for their individual study.

    Making judgements: The students are invited to study some contents individually and to improve their own knowledge comparing different books. They can also proof the solutions of the problems they have studied, during the tutoring class, by sharing the results with the other students in order to find the right solutions.

    Communication skills: By listening to the lessons and reading the recommended books, the students will improve their ability to use mathematical language to express properly and elegantly sophisticated mathematically math concepts.

    Learning skills: Students will be guided to acquire a method that will allow them to approach a new topic, recognizing immediately the prerequisites needed. The course aims also at developing students' skills of computing and manipulating the mathematical objects studied

  • MODULO 2

    Primary goal of the course is to master the techniques and methods that are peculiar to Mathematical Analysis.

Course Structure

  • MODULO 1

    The course is organized by lectures. There will be some team practices.

    Periodical meetings will be organized in teamwork with the professor of Algebra and Geometry, in order to give students useful suggestions on how to use and apply the acquired knowledge to the other disciplines.

  • MODULO 2

    Almost all lectures are given in the traditional way. This is because the student must acquire the rigorous methods of Mathematical Analysis. This is achieved showing examples and results. Most of them are then discussed in detail with the students.

Detailed Course Content

  • MODULO 1

    Set of real numbers

    Set of complex numbers

    Structure of number sets

    Infinitesimal Calcul for Functions of one variable

    Series of real numbers

  • MODULO 2

    Differential and integral calculus. Ordinary differential equations. Sequences and series of functions.

Textbook Information

  • MODULO 1

    1) G. Emmanuele Analisi Matematica I Pitagora

    2) G. Emmanuele Analisi Matematica II Foxwell Davies

    Other books that the student is invited to use

    3) Pagani Salsa Analisi Matematica 1, Zanichelli

    4) Cecconi Stampacchia, Analisi Matematica , Liguori

    5) DeMarco Analisi uno, Zanichelli

  • MODULO 2
    1. G.Di Fazio - P.Zamboni Analisi Matematica Uno - seconda edizione – Monduzzi (2013)
    2. G. Di Fazio - P. Zamboni Esercizi di Analisi Matematica Uno – Edises (2013).
    3. G.Di Fazio - P.Zamboni Analisi Matematica Due – Monduzzi (2008)
    4. M. Bramanti Esercitazioni di Analisi Matematica 1 – Ed. Esculapio (2011)
    5. G. De Marco Esercizi di calcolo in una variabile Ed.Zanichelli – Decibel (2001)
    6. G. Emmanuele Analisi Matematica I Pitagora
    7. G. Emmanuele Analisi Matematica II Foxwell and Davies