Academic Year 2019/2020 - 3° Year - Curriculum ACredit Value: 9
Scientific field: INF/01 - Informatics
Taught classes: 36 hours
Exercise: 36 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
The course will be devoted to introduce the main bais of digital forensics.
Starting from standard definition and best practices in the field the following topics will be presented:
- Disk Forensics
- Multimedia Forensics
- Audio Forensics
- WEb data acquisition
- Tools for data analysis
Course Structure
Oral Lectures with several practical sessions. Also some seminars will be scheduled on specific topics
Detailed Course Content
The course is structured in different modules as specified below
Digital Forensics basis: Acquisition, validation and analiys of digital data. Best Practice.
Multimedia Forensics: Image/Video Basis. Enhancement/Restoration of image/video data for forensics purposes. Authenticity vs Integrity. Antropometric analysis. Video Surveillance systems
Legal and related topics: Budapest meeting, Italian law with respect to digital crimes.
Textbook Information
Digital Image Processing - R.C. Gonzales, R.E. Woods – Pearson, Prenctice Hall 2012;
Computer Forensics - Principles and Practices - Volonino, anzaldua and Godwin - Peraon-Prenctice Hall, 2007