Academic Year 2019/2020 - 3° Year - Curriculum ACredit Value: 9
Taught classes: 36 hours
Exercise: 36 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
These are the main objectives of the course:
- to acquire basic knowledge and understanding about the basic procedures, data types for graphics, fundamental pipelines and methods for the production of images form 3d models and scenarios;
- to gain basic ability in using a contemporary state of the art software uite devoted to 3d models creation, texturing, animation and rendering;
- to have principles and references to choose among different graphics platforms for projects and data visualization;
- very basic introduction to the fundamentals pronciples of visual design and of animation.
- to provide a starting point to proceed either in autonomy or in a specialized academic course to a higher education in digital graphics and animation
Course Structure
Frontal lectures on theoretical topics
Laboratory using Blender 3d, latest version
Detailed Course Content
Geometric transformation.
Tesh modeling and representations.
Fundamental rendering equation.
Ray casting, ray tracing, path tracing (montecarlo methods)
Animation and deformation of meshes.
basic of movie languae
basic of CAd: Bezier and NURBS.
Textbook Information
Teacher's hand-outs
Web tutorials
3D ART ESSENTIALS, The Fundamentals of 3D Modeling, Texturing, and Animation, AMI CHOPINE, Focal Press
Fundamental of Computer Graphics (IV ed) Marschner, Shirely, CRC press
Fondamenti di grafica tridimensionale interattiva , Montani, Scopigno Scateni, McGrawHill
Grafica 3d con Blender , Siddi, Apogeo