Francesco GUARNERA
Francesco Guarnera received the bachelor degree (summa cum laude) in computer science, in 2009, and the master degree (summa cum laude) in computer science in 2018 from University of Catania. From 2009 to 2016 he was a developer/analyst/project manager of web applications based on AMP (Apache-MySql-PHP). He obtained his PhD in Mathematics and Computer Science in 2022 at the University of Catania conducting his research activities also at the University of Heartfordshire, Hatfield, UK; during the PhD he worked on Computer Vision topics often related to DIgital Forensics. In 2022 he obtained a research fellowship from the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences where he began to do research in the field of medical imaging. He is currently a type A fixed-term researcher at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Catania. He is the author of scientific articles presented in international journals and conferences. He was in the organizing committee of the IFOSS summer school (International Forensic Summer School). His research interests concern Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning applied to the analysis of images/videos in forensic and medical fields. He is a member of IPLAB (Image Processing Laboratory). He has been involved in projects financed by national and international institutions. His articles deal with the analysis of traces left by JPEG compression, fingerprint extraction from documents, classification and segmentation in medical images (MRI and CT-scan) and image analysis in general. He has been a lecturer in the Bachelor's and Master's degree courses in Computer Science at the University of Catania since 2023.
His research interests concern Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning applied to the analysis of images/videos in forensic and medical fields. His articles deal with the analysis of traces left by JPEG compression, fingerprint extraction from documents, classification and segmentation in medical images (MRI and CT-scan) and image analysis in general.