Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: FILIPPO STANCO

Expected Learning Outcomes

General learning objectives in terms of expected learning outcomes.

  1. Knowledge and understanding: The purpose of the course is to acquire knowledge that will enable the student to understand the theoretical and physical mechanisms underlying the human visual system, the formation and processing of digital images, of the improvement of the visual quality of digital images. 
  2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: the student will acquire the skills needed to acquire, edit, compress, and save a digital image.
  3. Making judgments: Through examples in the classroom, the student will be put into the condition of understanding whether the solutions offered by him meet a certain degree of quality.
  4. Communication skills: The student will acquire the necessary communication skills and technical language skills in the multimedia field.
  5. Learning Skills: The aim of the course is to provide the student with the necessary theoretical and practical methodologies to deal with and solve new problems that arise during a work activity. To this end, several topics will be addressed in lesson by involving the student in the search for possible solutions to real problems.

Course Structure

Classroom lessons

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Access to the teaching materials provided by the instructor is available on MS Teams, in the "Interazione Multimedia e Laboratorio A-L" Team, code: 1vd4wnf

All communications will take place through the official Telegram channel of the course, so students are requested to join it:

Required Prerequisites

Good knowledge of basic programming. It is sufficient to have passed the Programming I course.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance to classes is mandatory.

Detailed Course Content

Introduction to Digital Images

Image Formation in the Human Eye

Thin Lens Equation

Optical Illusions

Digital Sensors

Bayer Pattern

Color Interpolation

Raster and Vector Images

Representation of Raster Images




Resolution of Digital Images

Replication, Bilinear, and Bicubic Interpolation

PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio)


RGB, CMY, HSV, Munsell, YUV, YCbCr Color Spaces

Indexed Images and Palettes


Image Histogram

Point Operations and LUTs (Look-Up Tables)


Linear and Translation-Invariant Operators

Noise Reduction

Edge Detection

Spatial Domain

Frequency Domain

Fourier Transform

Convolution and Convolution Theorem

Lossy and Lossless Compression

Shannon's Theorem for Compression

Huffman Coding

JPEG Standard

Textbook Information

Digital Image Processing, (3rd Edition) Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Ediz. Pearson, Prentice Hall

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1La percezione visiva, Acquisizione delle immagini, campionamento e quantizzazione, strumenti matematici usati nella elaborazione delle immaginiCapitolo 2 di "Elaborazione delle Immagini Digitali"
2Istogrammi, filtraggi spaziali, SmoothingCapitolo 3 di "Elaborazione delle Immagini Digitali"
3Filtraggio nel dominio delle frequenza, trasformata di Fourier, Filtraggi nel dominio della frequenzaCapitolo 4 di "Elaborazione delle Immagini Digitali"
4Rumore, filtraggio spazialeCapitolo 5 di "Elaborazione delle Immagini Digitali"
5Spazi coloreCapitolo 6 di "Elaborazione delle Immagini Digitali"
6Compressione delle immaginiFondamenti di Image Processing

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The examination is held in italian language.

In order to take the exam, in accordance with the regulations, it is MANDATORY to register on the Smart Edu portal and on any other platform, as MS Forms, required by the instructor to optimize logistics.

The exam is a single test divided into two inseparable phases:

  1. Phase (1): Students will take a multiple-choice test consisting of 10 questions on MS Teams. Students who correctly answer at least 6 questions will proceed to phase (2). Otherwise, the exam will conclude with a failing grade, and the student will have to retake the exam during the next session. This score is referred to as A. 
  2. Phase (2): Students will take a short written test where they will be required to solve a few exercises. At the end of this phase, students will be awarded a score between 0 and 8 based on the quality of their responses. This score is referred to as B. 
  3. Conclusion: The grade for the theory part is calculated as A*3 + (B-4). If this result is 18 or higher, the theory part is considered passed with that grade. Otherwise, the exam will be deemed insufficient, and the student will be required to retake it during the next session. The two phases cannot be separated or taken during different sessions. They form a single exam.

Erasmus students and other non-italian speakers may ask to take an oral exam.

The assessment may also be conducted online, should the circumstances require it.

Students with disabilities and/or learning disorders (DSA) must contact the instructor and the CInAP representative at DMI well in advance of the exam date to inform them of their intention to take the exam with the appropriate compensatory measures.

For the assignment of grades for individual assessments, the following criteria are typically followed:

  • Fail: The student has not acquired the basic concepts and is unable to complete the exercises.
  • 18-23: The student demonstrates a minimal mastery of the fundamental concepts; their ability to present and connect content is modest, and they can solve simple exercises.
  • 24-27: The student shows a good grasp of the course content; their ability to present and connect the content is good, and they solve exercises with few errors.
  • 28-30 with honors: The student has acquired all course content and can present them comprehensively with a critical perspective; they solve exercises completely and without errors

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Is the "power" operator punctual, local, or global? What does this mean? Typically, does this operator brighten or darken the image? Apply the power ^2 operator to the matrix provided below. Finally, linearly normalize the resulting matrix between 0 and 255.

56 45 11

67 100 232

0 129 50

 What are the fundamental characteristics of Huffman coding? Construct the Huffman coding for the symbols that make up the string "exam for exam."