Academic Year 2016/2017 - 1° YearLearning Objectives
The course presents fundamentals of programming computers by adopting C ++ as the reference language.
In particular, basic concepts of structured programming and the OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) are introduced. Furthermore, encoding of fundamental algorithms and some OOP software design techniques are discussed.
Textbook Information
- H.M. Deitel, P. J. Deitel, C++ Fondamenti di programmazione – Apogeo
- Eckel, Thinking in C++, Vol. I, 2°Ed. (also online)
- Horstmann, C++ for everyone, 2°Ed. – Wiley (also online)
- Lippman, Lajoye, C++ Corso di programmazione, 3°Ed. – Addison Wesley
- Pohl, Object-Oriented Programming Using C++, 2° Ed. – Addison Wesley
- Schildt, C++ La guida completa, 2°Ed. – McGraw-Hill (also online)
- Stroustrup, C++ Linguaggio, libreria standard, principi di programmazione, 3°Ed. – Addison Wesley
Books (1), (2), (3) and (6) are recommended for beginners.
The book (3) is strongly recommended for beginners because of the large amount of exercises in it.
Books (4) and (5) are intermediate level and they are recommended to those who are familiar in programming.
The book (7) is advanced and it is recommended to those who are skilled in programming.