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Giuseppa Rita CIRMI

Associate Professor of Mathematical analysis [MATH-03/A]

Rita Cirmi works at University of Catania since 1993. She is associated professor since 2021.

She is interested in elliptic and parabolic equations.

Actually, she is teaching in the master degree courses in Physics and Computer Science and in the bachelor degree course in Mathematics.

General Informations

  • Born: September 1966, Acate (RG) , Italy

  • Position: Associate Professor of Mathematical Analysis, Università di Catania,

  • address: Dipartimento di Matematica , Università di Catania, Viale Andrea Doria, 6 – 95125 Catania

  • tel. (+39) 095 7383009

  • e-mail:



  • 2001 - today Associate Professor, Dipartimento di Matematica , Università di Catania

  • 1993-2001 Assistant Professor, Dipartimento di Matematica , Università di Catania
  • 1999 Research fellowship at the Laboratoire d’Analyse, Topologie et Probabilities – Università Aix-Marseille, supported by Centro Nazionale Ricerche.



  • 1984-1988 : Undergraduated student in Mathematics at the Università di Catania. Degree cum laude in Mathematics at the Università di Catania.

  • 1989-1993 Ph.D. student in Mathematics at the Università di Catania- Consorzio Catania-Messina-Palermo, Title of the thesis (defended in July 1994): Equazioni ellittiche non lineari: esistenza e proprietà delle soluzioni di energia finita e non. . Advisor: prof. Lucio Boccardo

  • 1990 : Visiting scholar at the Departamento de Matematica Aplicada - Universitad Complutense di Madrid

  • 1991: Visiting scholar at the Departamento de Matematica Aplicada - Universitad Complutense di Madrid

  • 1992: Visiting scholar at the Departamento de Matematica Aplicada - Universitad Complutense di Madrid.

Membership in Professional Society

• UMI, The Italian Mathematical Society
• GNAMPA, The Italian Group for researcher in Mathematical Analysis


Recent invited talks

  • New trends in existence and regularity of nonlinear PDE, ICNAAM 2021 Rhodes, September 20–26 2021,

  • Qualitative properties of solutions of differential equations, ICNAAM 2020, Rhodes, September 17–23 2020,

  • 71st Workshop in Advances in nonsmooth analysis and optimization, Erice, Italy, June 24–July 1 2019 .

  • 12th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Taipei, Taiwan, July 5-9 2018.

  • 15th International Congress of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2017), Thessaloniki, September 25 - 30 2017.

  • 11th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Orlando, Florida, USA July 1-5 2016.

  • International conference on elliptic and parabolic problems, Gaeta May 22–26 2017,

  • The 5th Symposium on Variational Inequalities and Equilibrium Problems, ICNAAM 2016, Rhodes, September 19–25 2016,

Organization of scientific events

Co–organizer of the following conferences:

  • WCNA 2000, Catania, July 19–26 2000,

  • ISAAC 05, Catania, July 25–30 2005,

  • Nonlinear PDE and Applications (NPDE 2009), Catania, June 22–252009,

  • Recent advances in nonlinear partial differential equations and systems and their

    applications, ICNAAM 2020


Recent Projects

  • Principal Investigator Pia.Ce.Ri 2020-22 " Equazioni Ellittiche: Esistenza e Proprietà qualitative & Didattica Laboratoriale e a Distanza"

  • Co- Investigator PTR 2016-2018 "Metodi variazionali ed equazioni differenziali" ( Principal Investigator Prof. S.Leonardi)

  • Co- investigator GNAMPA 2017: "Regolarità delle soluzioni di equazioni ellittiche non lineari" (Principal Investigator Prof. M. A. Ragusa)

  • Co-Investigator FIR 2014 "PENSA - PEtri Net-based framework for Signalling pathways Analysis" ( Principal Investigator Prof. S. Motta)

    Professional contributions

  • Tutor of a PhD student ( Simona Maria Puglisi)

  • External Referee of Thesis: PhD, University La Sapienza, Rome

  • Referee of several scientific journals

• Reviewer of American Mathematical Society

• Member of the Editorial Board of Open Mathematics

•Member of the Editorial Board of Pure and Applied Mathematics •

 Member of the Topic Board of Mathematics.

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

Research activity has been carried out in the field of PDEs:

  • existence, regularity and qualitative properties of weak solutions to second order elliptic and parabolic equations and systems;

  • existence, regularity and qualitative properties of weak solutions to non linear higher order equations

  • existence, regularity and qualitative properties of solutions to variational inequalities