Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: Angelo BELLA

Expected Learning Outcomes

Fundamental aspects of Algebraic Topology. Principal objects of the study are the omotopy theory and the singular homology groups.

Course Structure

Lectures with slides. Discussion and correction of exercises.

If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote mode, the necessary changes may be introduced with respect to what was previously stated, in order to respect the program envisaged and reported in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

Basic facts on algebraic topology. Homotopy theory. Degree of a function between n-spheres. Brower's theorem in general form. Singular homology groups. The exact sequence of a pair. Mayer-Vetoris's sequence. Another proof of Brower's theorem. Jordan's theory in general form.

Textbook Information

1. Professor's notes

2. "Topologia" by M. Manetti.

3. W. Massey"Singular homology theory

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Richiami sulla definizione e le proprietà di base del gruppo fondamentale.
2Omeomorfismi locali
4 Quozienti per azioni propriamente discontinue
5 Monodronia
6Il teorema di Van Kampen.
7Introduzione alla omologia singolare.
8Gruppi di omologia e morfismi associati.
9Omologia relativa
10La sequenza esatta di omologia.
11La proprietà di escissione
12Esempi di calcolo di gruppi di omologia