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Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: DANIELA FERRARELLO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to provide those skills related to the role of mathematics’ teacher (for middle and high school) through theoretical framework in math education and concrete experience. In particular, the following objectives are pursued:

a. Knowledge and understanding: analyse the main problems of teaching/learning mathematics in real contexts. Knowledge of some theoretical frameworks in math education

b. Applied knowledge and understanding: design effective educational paths for specific schools/classes and specific topics; Apply teaching methodologies in real class contexts, experimenting them.

c. Making judgments: analyse the carried out experimentations under the lens of the main theoretical research frameworks in mathematics’ education.

d. Communication skills: learn to communicate mathematical contents in a simple way, highlighting the mathematical meanings underneath the contents; knowing how to communicate with colleagues, in order to enhance teamwork skills.

e. Learning skills: ability to work both in groups and independently; enhance creative skills; learn how to design teaching activities by adapting the topic to the most appropriate teaching transposition, acquire professional skills related to the teaching role.

Course Structure

The course is divided into four parts:

In the first part of the course (about 12 hoours) we will deal with some theoretical frameworks in Math Education (Objective a.)

In the second part (about 20 hours) the main problems inherent to the topics chosen for the classroom experiments will be analysed. Students will choose appropriate didactic strategies and will design didactic paths suitable for the classes chosen to experiment (Objectives a., b. , d. and e.).

In the third part of the course (about 9 hours) the designed paths will be applied in the classes. The experiments will be video-recorded. (Objectives b., c. and e.).

In the fourth part of the course (about 6 hours) the videos recorded in the experimentation phase will be analysed to evaluate their teaching effectiveness. (Objective c.).

If logistically possible, a visit to a science museum will take place. (Objectives d. And e.)

Activities related to teacher training are foreseen within the course. (Objectives e.).

Information for students with disabilities and / or SLDTo guarantee equal opportunities and in compliance with the laws inforce, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order toplan any compensatory and / or compensatory measures, based on thedidactic objectives and specific needs. It is also possible to contactthe referent teacher CInAP (Center for Active and ParticipatedIntegration - Services for Disabilities and / or SLD) of our Department,prof. Patrizia Daniele.

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of Italian language. The course is accessible only for Italian-speakers, because students are requested to design and experiment teaching/learning activities in italian real classes.

Deep knowledge of the mathematical topics of middle and secondary school.

Attendance of Lessons

Class attendance is essential for an optimal use of the course, because students will work with the teacher and their colleagues, to acquire the desired skills (Objectives d. and e.).

Detailed Course Content

Theoretical frameworks in math education research: Mathematics' Laboratory; Collaborative and cooperative learning; Vygotskij theory; Artifacts and instruments; TPACK; History of mathematics in math education; Critical mathematics education and Mathem-Ethics.

Analysis of problematic situations within the teaching of mathematics.

Planning of activities and didactic paths for schools also with the use of digital technologies.

Analysis of students in mathematics’ activity under the lens of research theories in mathematics education.

Textbook Information

The main resource is attendance at the course, during which the didactic paths will be developed. If useful, research papers will be provided.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Theoretical framework in Math Education
2Analysis of problematic situation in math learning
3Design of learning actions
4Experiment of the designed actions
5Analysis of the experimentation

Learning Assessment

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

What teaching theories or methodologies have been applied in this instructional design?

How can student learning be assessed?

What improvements could be made to the proposed activity?