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Academic Year 2015/2016 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Giuseppe Russo
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 48 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

Fundamentals of special theory of relativity and elements of general relativity

Operational definition of measurements of space and time - Conventionality the synchronization method: simultaneous topological and metric simultaneity - Synchronization of Einstein and Reichenbach - synch transformations and its properties (*) - the postulates of special relativity theory - Dilation of the durations, length contraction and Lorentz transformations - algebraic-geometric properties of Lorentz transformations - Interval time-space - chronotope Minkowski - temporal order of events and spatial separation - right time - Paradox of twins - vector Lorentz transformations - transformations of speed and acceleration - Acceleration own - Transformations of momentum, energy and strength - aberration and Doppler effect - reflection from a mirror in motion - elements of the theory of general relativity: equivalence principle, the bending of light in a gravitational field , gravitational red shift, blacks holes.

Classical theory of radiation and covariant formulation of Maxwell's equations

Calls on Maxwell's equations - The conservation laws: Poynting vector and tensor Maxwell efforts - Helmholtz decomposition theorem (*) - Plane waves in ohmic conductors (*) - Potential of c.e.m. and gauge transformations - Method of Green's function for the solution of the wave - Potential delayed - Potential of Liénard and Wiechert - the electromagnetic field generated by a moving charge: Radiation from accelerated charge at low speed and formula Larmor - Stability hydrogen-like atom - Bremsstrahlung - Synchrotron radiation - Formula Liénard - Cherenkov radiation - Lorentz transformations as rotations in space-time of Minkowski - four vectors space-time, speed and acceleration - four vectors of current density and potential - Tensor the electromagnetic field - Transformations of cem - Maxwell equations in covariant form - Elements of calculus of variations - Lemmi notable of the calculus of variations - special cases Euler-Lagrange equation - Brachistochrone - Lagrangian formulation of relativistic mechanics - Lagrangian and Hamiltonian of a charge in c.e.m. external - Force Minkowski - Moto relativistic charged in uniform electric and magnetic fields - Thresholds of inelastic processes (*) - Lagrangian formulation for continuous systems and fields - Lagrangian of the electromagnetic field.

Elementi di fisica atomica, nucleare e subnucleare

La radiazione del corpo nero e l'ipotesi di Planck - Effetto fotoelettrico - Effetto Compton – Creazione di coppie e+-e- - Modelli atomici di Thomson, Rutherford e Bohr - Dimensione e costituzione del nucleo atomico – Densità della materia nucleare – Forze nucleari, difetto di massa ed energia di legame per nucleone - Fissione e fusione nucleare – Nuclei instabili: attività α, β e γ. Legge di decadimento radioattivo – Catene di decadimento – Datazione con metodi radioattivi ed uso degli isotopi radioattivi come traccianti – Diffrazione degli elettroni - Principio di indeterminazione di Heisenberg – Elementi di meccanica quantistica: Equazione di Schrodinger – Teorema di Ehrenfest - Particella in una buca di potenziale – Effetto tunnel – Oscillatore armonico quantistico - Teoria di Yukawa delle interazioni nucleari – Le quattro forze della natura – Quark –Teorie della grande unificazione.

Nota: Gli argomenti contrassegnati con un asterisco sono da intendersi facoltativi.

Textbook Information

R. Resnick: Introduction to special relativity "- C.E.A., Milan.

V. Barone Relativity - Bollati Basic Books

H. Goldstein: Classical Mechanics - Zanichelli

L. Lovitch, S. Rosati: General Physics: Electricity, Magnetism, Electromagnetism,

Special Relativity, Optics, Quantum Mechanics - C.E.A.

J.D. Jackson: Classical Electrodynamics - Zanichelli

A. Campolattaro: The foundations of modern physics, Liguori

P.A. Tipler, G. Moscow: Master of Physics - Modern Physics, Zanichelli

The student is free to choose any other text at the university level