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Elements od complementary mathematics

Academic Year 2019/2020 - 1° Year - Curriculum DIDATTICO
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Scientific field: MAT/04 - Mathematics education and history of mathematics
Taught classes: 70 hours
Exercise: 24 hours
Term / Semester: 1° and 2°

Learning Objectives


    The main objective of the course is to provide students with conceptual and operational tools that stimulate their critical learning towards the Fundamentals of mathematics, with particular reference to the development of geometry. In particular, we intend to offer students a reflection on some conceptual and content nodes that have led mathematicians from the study of the postulated V, to the birth of non-Euclidean geometries.

    In particular, the course has the following objectives:

    Knowledge and understanding: To know the fundamental aspects of the criticism of the postulated V and the subsequent development of different theories.

    Applying knowledge and understanding: Apply the empirical and then scientific method to different mathematical results

    Making judgments: Make judgments about the quality of the proposed solution and evaluate its effectiveness. Acquiring critical skills in the areas of mathematics.

    Communication skills : Ability to communicate their mathematical knowledge.

    Learning skills : Using the knowledge gained to acquire new knowledge.


    The aim of the course is to "manipulate mathematics" through DGS, mathematical machines and 3D printing.

    In particular, the course proposes the following objectives:

    Knowledge and understanding: To know the fundamental aspects of the technologies used in teaching/learning mathematics.

    Applying knowledge and understanding: Apply modeling skills in different contexts

    Making judgments: Make judgments about the quality of the proposed solution and evaluate its effectiveness. Acquiring critical skills in the areas of mathematics.

    Communication skills : Ability to communicate their mathematical knowledge.

    Learning skills : Using the knowledge gained to acquire new knowledge.

Course Structure


    The course will take place tuwice a week. An active participation of the students is required: the lessons will be frontal and participated.


    The course will take place tuwice a week. An active participation of the students is required: the lessons will be frontal and participated.

Detailed Course Content


    Euclidean geometry. Critics for the postulated V. Domostration attempts of the postulated V. The role of Saccheri in the development of non-Euclidean geometries. Non-Euclidean Geometries. Archimedes: the method and its works. Monographic course: Elements of Euclid: book XII


    Mathematical machines.

    3d printing

    regularity in geometric configurations

Textbook Information


    Attilio Frajese e Lamberto Maccioni (a cura di), Gli Elementi di Euclide, UTET, Torino 1970

    M. Kline, Storia del pensiero matematico, Vol.1 e 2. Einaudi, 1999

    Evandro Agazzi, Dario Palladino. Le geometrie non euclidee e i fondamenti della geometria.La scuola, 1998

    Bruno D'Amore, Silvia Sbaragli. La matematica e la sua storia. Dedalo, 2017

    Silvia Benvenuti. Geometrie non euclidee. Alpha test, 2008


    Paul Yiu, Notes on Euclidean Geometry, 1998.

    Paul Yiu, Introduction to the Geometry of the Triangle, 2001-2013,

    Bartolini Bussi, Maria G., Maschietto, Michela. Macchine matematiche: Dalla storia alla scuola. Convergenze, 2006