Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Giovanni GALLO

Expected Learning Outcomes

These are the main objectives of the course:

- to acquire basic knowledge and understanding about the basic workflows and methods for the production of images from 3d models and scenarios;
- to gain basic ability in using a contemporary state of the art software uite devoted to 3d models creation, texturing, animation and rendering;
- to have principles and references to choose among different graphics platforms for projects and data visualization;
- very basic introduction to the fundamentals principles of visual design and of animation.
- to provide a starting point to proceed either in autonomy or in a specialized academic course to a higher education in digital graphics and animation

Course Structure

Frontal lectures on theoretical topics

Laboratory using Blender 3d, latest version

Modalities of teaching may change subject to objective necessities (COVID19)

Required Prerequisites

Basic knowledge about digital images (formats, compression , resolution, linear and non linear filtering);
Basic knowledge of cartesian geometry, linear and projective transformations;
Elementary calculus;
Trigonometric basic knowledge;
Basic Linear algebra and vector calculus;
Basic notion about physical properties of light.

Attendance of Lessons

According to The regulation of The Corso di Studio

Detailed Course Content

Geometric transformation.
Mesh modeling and representations.
Fundamental rendering equation.
Ray casting, ray tracing, path tracing (montecarlo methods)
Animation and deformation of meshes.
Basic of movie languae
Basic of CAd: Bezier and NURBS.
Practical Blender 3d usage.

Textbook Information

Teacher's hand-outs

Web tutorials

3D ART ESSENTIALS, The Fundamentals of 3D Modeling, Texturing, and Animation, AMI CHOPINE, Focal Press

Fundamental of Computer Graphics (IV ed) Marschner, Shirely, CRC press

Fondamenti di grafica tridimensionale interattiva , Montani, Scopigno Scateni, McGrawHill

Grafica 3d con Blender , Siddi, Apogeo

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Utilizzo del programma Blender nelle funzionalità di base Grafica 3d con Blender, Siddi, ed.Apogeo
2Proiezioni e trasformazioni Geometriche Dispense del docente
3Rappresentazione mesh e editing di solidi Dispense del docente
4 Rendering: l'equazione fondamentale Dispense del docente
5Ray casting e algoritmi correlatiDispense del docente
6 Ray tracing ricorsivo e algoritmi correlati Dispense del docente
7Path tracing e metodo montecarlo Dispense del docente
8 Texture mapping Dispense del docente
9 Principi dell'animazione Dispense del docente
10Camera Tracking labon line instructional videos
11Controllo della deformazione delle mesh: rigging Dispense del docente
12Computer Aided Geometric design: Hermit, Bezier, B-Spline, NURBSPrimi capitoli del libro CAGD, Farin, Academic press,dispense del docente
13Photogrammetry simple labon line instructional videos

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Evaluation of profit will be done with three projects and an interview.

a) Short animation in 3d  (40-90 seconds). (40% )
b) Camera tracking of a short video and inseriton of  an animated object in AR modality (10% del voto)
c) Environment modeling in 3d accoridng to references assigne by the teacher (20% del voto)
d) Interview about the theoretical notions introduced in the lectures (30% del voto)

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Project a)
Short animation in 3d from 40'' to 90'' in lenght. It has to include an environemnt and assets. At least 505 of the asets have to be produced from the student. Screenplay and Story board are required.

Project b)
Short (10''-30'') camera tracking activity on a real viedo chosen from the student. Insertion in the video of animated virtual elements .

Project c)
Modeling, texturing , lighting and rendering of a 3d environment according to references assigned individually to the student.