Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: FRANCESCO RAGUSA

Expected Learning Outcomes

  1. Knowledge and understanding: The student will acquire the knowledge of the concepts behind social media and the analysis of their data.
  2. Applying knowledge and understanding: The student will acquire the practical skills for implementing systems to analyze data extracted from social media.
  3. Making judgments: Through the laboratories and the projects assigned to the students, they will be able to independently develop solutions that can solve the basic problems which could arise in the world of work.
  4. Communication skills: the student will acquire the necessary communication skills and the appropriate use of technical language in the general field of social media and data analysis.
  5. Learning skills: The course aims to delve into theories and techniques useful for the creation of systems for the analysis of multimedia data (images, text, tags, metadata) present in social media. The students will acquire knowledge and skills useful for the analysis of large amounts of multimedia data present in social media. The knowledge acquired will be applied through laboratory and projects. The oral test for passing the exam will be useful for developing the appropriate communication skills.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons, laboratory lessons and seminars.

Required Prerequisites

Fundamental notions from the following courses will be used:
  • Elementi di Analisi Matematica
  • Strutture Discrete
  • Fondamenti di Informatica
  • Programmazione
  • Interazione e Multimedia
  • Algoritmi

Attendance of Lessons


Detailed Course Content

  • Social media: definition, features and short history
  • APIs and libraries for extrapolation, processing, and visualization of social media data, Web  Scraping
  • Introduction to the text analysis, regular expressions, tokenization, speech tagging, named entity recognition, lemmatization, bag of words model, sentiment analysis, word embeddings
  • Information retrieval, evaluation measures. Nearest Neighbor Search.
  • Prediction and classification problems, evaluation measures. MAP and Naive Bayes.
  • Image popularity estimation through linear regression.
  • Recommender systems
  • Sentiment Analysis on social media using VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary for Sentiment Reasoning).
  • Introduction to the image analysis on social media: Bag of Visual Words model.
  • Python libraries for the analysis of data coming from social media.
  • Seminars focused on social media (ex. privacy, law, psychological).

Textbook Information